@Mad Dog im getting off easy i said cow for your vote this is just a steak dinner @mexican i think we will be pulling out monday 15th heading that way its 1150miles abouts so wednesday id guess for diner maybe ride Thursday, we can narrower it down so youll can plan, see you guys soon Lord willing
@Mad Dog im getting off easy i said cow for your vote this is just a steak dinner @mexican i think we will be pulling out monday 15th heading that way its 1150miles abouts so wednesday id guess for diner maybe ride Thursday, we can narrower it down so youll can plan, see you guys soon Lord willing
Where are you headed to? Just riding for the pleasure of it or a goal in mind?
The ride east from Seba Station to Talimena on way to Arkansas ain't too bad.
OK is a paradox. Crap topography and weather, but some of the best peeps I ever met in one state!
Yeah, nothing to see in Oklahoma other than way south
Where are you headed to? Just riding for the pleasure of it or a goal in mind?
Phoenix to see my brother from same momma, then west to the coast, over tehacapi into bakersfield and up and over, i love northern cali and south west oregon and up the coast to around pacific beach then over and up to tacoma and the mountain and the sound go right past claviger and steve and the guys then east dropping south on my way home. Havent thoght about this part of ride, ive driven all of this for about 20 years moving families but this time i wont be dragging a 53’ moving van.
Phoenix to see my brother from same momma, then west to the coast, over tehacapi into bakersfield and up and over, i love northern cali and south west oregon and up the coast to around pacific beach then over and up to tacoma and the mountain and the sound go right past claviger and steve and the guys then east dropping south on my way home. Havent thoght about this part of ride, ive driven all of this for about 20 years moving families but this time i wont be dragging a 53’ moving van.
Lovely!! We are ready for you!