My RAA Ts finally arrived today!
I got one of each East and West and also tried some different colors.
Apologies for the Woolly Mammoth look . . . still sequestored.

RAA East T.jpg

Sorry, if it's already been asked before, but.... How does someone get one of those?
Maybe @sweettennbabe could edit the original post, the only number that seems to work for the motel is 800 239 9412, the listed 800 number goes to some marketing site and the 304 number is no answer, no voicemail.
Phoenix to see my brother from same momma, then west to the coast, over tehacapi into bakersfield and up and over, i love northern cali and south west oregon and up the coast to around pacific beach then over and up to tacoma and the mountain and the sound go right past claviger and steve and the guys then east dropping south on my way home. Havent thoght about this part of ride, ive driven all of this for about 20 years moving families but this time i wont be dragging a 53’ moving van.

Always a free flop at my place and perhaps a ride around the loop.
Sorry, if it's already been asked before, but.... How does someone get one of those?

No problema.
Amazon Merch is currently screwed up because of their cut back due to the Chinese Virus.
I have found it impossible to get a response from them regarding why my store shows only one T for sale, when there are a half dozen or so.
I shall continue to monitor and will post a notification when things get back to normal.
Apologies for your inconvenience . . . stay safe!
Just got back from the Indian clinic. Found out that the pain in my groin and leg is from a pinched nerve. Had a real difficult time just making it to the bathroom this morning. Steroids, pain pills and a visit in a few days to a specialist is in order. Don't give a ****. Still RIDING to this run.
Phoenix to see my brother from same momma, then west to the coast, over tehacapi into bakersfield and up and over, i love northern cali and south west oregon and up the coast to around pacific beach then over and up to tacoma and the mountain and the sound go right past claviger and steve and the guys then east dropping south on my way home. Havent thoght about this part of ride, ive driven all of this for about 20 years moving families but this time i wont be dragging a 53’ moving van.
let me know if you get close to me heading down I40?just 2and half hours from me
Just talked to Four Seasons Lodge there have been room cancellations for this year. 3 or 4 rooms on the lower floor where the main parking of the bikes will be the fire pit will be the barbecue will be and a canopy will be. So if you are on the higher floors and wish to join the group Please call place to try to get your room changed to the lower floors. There are also the 2 apartments left to rent. They are both on the upper floors. So that you can overlook us peasants down below. We only have 4 weeks left. And he was notified that we will possible be back for next year same week. Depending on how majority of group feels.