Does anyone have a way to contact the motel? The 800 number isn't right, it's advertising for some offer, and the 304 number doesn't answer, and no voicemail option.
Warp do you still have the sub sandwich I left at Stearns? if so bring it to WV
I'm just wondering if our mexican buddy is bringing the Menudo :)
Does anyone have a way to contact the motel? The 800 number isn't right, it's advertising for some offer, and the 304 number doesn't answer, and no voicemail option.
Maybe try there email with everthing being shut down they might not be manning the phone. The gal that responded to me was Jamie.
I'm not the best at geography but i thought there might be some small new country over there that i did not know about.:rolleyes:
I'm not the best at geography but i thought there might be some small new country over there that i did not know about.:rolleyes:
Its a country where you can live a life like no other.
I'm not the best at geography but i thought there might be some small new country over there that i did not know about.:rolleyes:
I am in exile from beloved homeland.:laugh:
Got to thinking and will be heading east solo. If you would like Kevin Frazier we could meet up in Nashville and ride the rest of the way. Still working but they are very flexible so time frames are no issue.
I meant west after raa west va riding back through Oklahoma with you as im heading west, gonna see what lupe and his riding crew are doing and i owe @Mad Dog and @Son_Of_Dog a steak dinner as my september vacation got scrapped, see ya west virginia, remember anything in a mason jar is dangerous for city folk. :p