RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

This is getting confusing. All the early posts suggested 5 nights in Montrose, arrive Monday 23rd, depart Saturday 28th.

But now it is arrive a day earlier? and maybe? leave a day earlier?
Saturday is my exit day as well - will be heading for Pikes Peak and Mt. Evans.
Perhaps we should consider doing the BBQ on Monday evening in order to include the Monday arrivals?
Saturday is my exit day as well - will be heading for Pikes Peak and Mt. Evans.
Perhaps we should consider doing the BBQ on Monday evening in order to include the Monday arrivals?

That was my plan. I doubt I will be in the mood for much more than a bologna samich on Sunday
You guys figure it out and let me know, i will meet in Clayton Enid or anywhere, it would be great if the Texas, Lousiana Arkansas Oklahoma guys showed up all in one bunch scaring the chit out of everybody

I think rolling in together would be great too, but I just took a gander at Google Maps and detouring up to OK adds about four hours worth of Interstate best I can tell. Interstate sucks. I like the Clayton idea better. Our base plan right now is to iron butt from my house to Clayton arriving Saturday night, then get up Sunday and ride on into Montrose. This is always subject to change as anyone who has ever ridden with me knows, but its a good enough starting place for now. Amarillo is another candidate meeting spot if you guys roll out west on I-40. We could take I-40 all the way to Albequerque and then take 550 up to Montrose. BTW I stand a really good chance of getting sidetracked when we get to Palo Duro Canyon just south of Amarillo...may have to make a brief detour for a little Rocket therapy

Sure do agree with you on the "ride schedule".
Our rule is no more than 15 minutes ahead of the front wheel.
All the rest is just framework done for the extra fun of anticipation.
BTW - you shall have many a chance for "Rocket Therapy" on the first day ride up through the Mesa - trust me.

I like to plan rts by searching sites like this link..
They usually have them ordered by extreme twisties/sweepers/scenic other....

I put in as many extreme twisties as possible, then connect them using sweeper roads or other(if needed) to make loops where possible (though out & back can be warranted at times).

Of course, all options are open once you are in motion. I like having a plan & twisties are my goal. ;-)
Org I like this idea

Easterners & south easterners could meet up @ Colorado Springs on Sat night (21st). (CO Springs is about 684 miles from Tulsa)
Sunday (22nd) (weather permitting) ride Pikes Peak then Mount Evans and stay along I-70 (maybe Eagle, CO) (about 317 VERY LONG miles)
Monday (23rd) do a scenic rt into Montose. (depending on rt selection, a pretty easy day, under 200 miles)