I think rolling in together would be great too, but I just took a gander at Google Maps and detouring up to OK adds about four hours worth of Interstate best I can tell. Interstate sucks. I like the Clayton idea better. Our base plan right now is to iron butt from my house to Clayton arriving Saturday night, then get up Sunday and ride on into Montrose. This is always subject to change as anyone who has ever ridden with me knows, but its a good enough starting place for now. Amarillo is another candidate meeting spot if you guys roll out west on I-40. We could take I-40 all the way to Albequerque and then take 550 up to Montrose. BTW I stand a really good chance of getting sidetracked when we get to Palo Duro Canyon just south of Amarillo...may have to make a brief detour for a little Rocket therapy