R3T - Stripped bevel box drain plug.

If you do plug the hole then you can remove the bevel box when you change the rear tyre, drain the oil out of the filler hole, grease the splines, and reinstall.
ok the thread size is 10mm x 1.5
1 would try drilling using 3/8 drill .375
if u can drill 3/8 then u might be able to remove the magnet from in side.
i am going to guess that the magnet is stuck to the ring gear and u might be able to take a pen magnet and bring it out of there.
the magnet is your big problem.

ideas on sealing
if u can tap the hole with 10 x 1.5 tap then u can use original drain plug
i can give u a bolt that u can use temporary till u get a new one from triumph
if u fail to tap a hole i would think that u could take a 5/16 bolt coat it with black silicone push it in and let it dry and that should keep the gear oil from leaking.
when i put mine in i just finger tight and give it a little more just enough so it wont fall out..
i guess u could give it a little coat of black silicone then u would not have to worry.

just noticed that i never posted this
If you do plug the hole then you can remove the bevel box when you change the rear tyre, drain the oil out of the filler hole, grease the splines, and reinstall.

After reading a few of these posts I started taking the drive off to drain the oil. My bolt removing skills are not good at all. If I broke mine I would send it to Turbo.
After reading a few of these posts I started taking the drive off to drain the oil. My bolt removing skills are not good at all. If I broke mine I would send it to Turbo.

u r welcome to send the final drive to me and i will try to work some magic on it
probably the best suggestion
Would it be better to change the plug is there an alternative magnetic plug that anyone has used instead of OEM plug ?
@ZoneIII this just happened to me just as you described it. Had removed the filler plug and drain plug for bevel box and was flushing it with gear oil. Most of the gunk appeared to be out, so I started to put the drain bolt back in. I was using a digital torque meter set to 15 nm when the bolt started spinning. It also will not come out. I also tried using vise grip needle nose pliers to try to pull and turn at the same time to no avail.

My understanding is that the bevel gear/final drive unit is a sealed unit. There is not a way to open it up to get at anything which may have fallen in. Can someone comment on whether this understanding is correct?

If so, even drilling the bolt head out so that it detaches from the bolt itself, would still leave the remains of the bolt and/or the magnet in the final drive which could be disastrous if those pieces jammed the gears while underway.

I have read where others have drilled out the plug, retapped to a larger size bolt and added a crush washer for a seal.

I have also read where others left the bolt in place, since the bolt was not leaking, and they drained/filled the gear box with oil through the filler hole by removing the final drive.

@Idaho Red Rocket 3, you said you just kept pulling and twisting until it "broke in half." By that do you mean the head of the bolt came away from the bolt itself? How long did you do this before it happened? I kept pulling and twisting with the vise grip needle nose pliers but nothing was happening. Should I just keep going until something happens? Then try to get the remains of the bolt out with a small screw driver?

Thanks in advance for any help.

That is all I did. It worked out for me.
triumph says not serviceable.
translation** we do not sell parts for the final drive.
yes it will come apart.
only an real good expert can do the front pinion seal
u can take the housing apart to get to the back side to try an repair.
i offered to repair someones if they paid shipping and i would do this for u.
there is a thread (about rebuilding) posted about this if u can find it.