I live north of Dallas and don't trust myself in doing a Tune on my bike, plus I don't have laptop or desire to learn computer ease. I would like to find someone that has done this tune and wouldn't mind installing it for me. I would be glad pay for your time, knowledge and effort. Thanks, Tim
If you don't get an answer by this weekend, I will hook mine back up and see what they read on mine. I have the same tune loaded, 2013 R3T with TORS, stock airfilter. Do you have K&Ns or running stock?
I live north of Dallas and don't trust myself in doing a Tune on my bike, plus I don't have laptop or desire to learn computer ease. I would like to find someone that has done this tune and wouldn't mind installing it for me. I would be glad pay for your time, knowledge and effort. Thanks, Tim
I'd be happy to do it if you were in Reno, however, there must be someone closer. What tune do you want to put in the bike? Is there something wrong with the way the bike is running now? Can you borrow a laptop?
I am even further away than Reno, so I think I am out of the question. If you wait until June of next year, I am sure someone will have a laptop @ RAA9. I know I will bring my battery charger, laptop and cable there, just in case.
It looks like your throttle bodies are very slightly out of balance. This is not an issue as long as idle and off-idle is smooth.
Bob and Stephan,
I am just happy to be able to help Rocket enthusiasts. The real thanks should go to Alain and Tom for making the Tune ECU software and running the site for it. This lets us gearheads get the best performance available from the bikes - stuff that a power Commander just will not do.
I'd be happy to do it if you were in Reno, however, there must be someone closer. What tune do you want to put in the bike? Is there something wrong with the way the bike is running now? Can you borrow a laptop?
Hi dougl and Bob. Thanks for your offers. Hopefully I will find someone nearby. I am wanting to do the tune that Wayne shared with us on this thread. Thanks again, Tim
So I got the cable, downloaded and installed software and drivers.....I am now ready to connect and flash this tune to the ECU.......questions......
Do I uncheck or leave checked the O2 box?
I am running stock with nothing else but a GIPro which is turned off and has become an expensive gear indicator
Next question...........
After downloading tune........Do I reset adaptives first then reset the TPS or other around or does it not matter?
Do I need to pull the headlight fuse on the R3T? Thought I read somewhere that you cant because it ties into the ECU...not sure though
And finally.......it seems I have been reading and it appears that it is not necessary to do a 12 minute tune.(when using reset adaptives)...true or not?
So If I have this right.......Download tune....reset TPS.....reset adaptives......start bike and ride!!!! Sound right?