R3R - stalling issue?

Never had a bike I have taken so many pictures of Almost every time I go for a ride and pull up I think "Geez That Looks Good There" and out comes the I-Phone again :D
Man after reading this thread
I'm NEVER selling my 08
Five years and never had a single problem
Well other then keeping the front wheel on the ground :D
Really hope triumph gets this sorted out
So for those of you still interested, I took my bike in last weekend, for the 600 mile service, at that time they put the bike on diagnostics and sent the results to Triumph.

Here is the Email I received from my service dept. and for the record I have only had two stalls up to now, so I am not sure it is even an issue. Although I am gonna bring it in and have the work done. The bad news is when I asked him how long it would take he said he didn't know because they have never done it before :mad:

Dear Jim

Triumph got back to me. Throttle bodies are a little off sync, we can re-set your TPS and stepper, they are out of spec. And the iacv are at 300 and need to be at 150ish. IACV is the Idle air control Valve. So let me know when you want to bring it back and we can adjust that stuff and go from there.


:) nothing to stress about Jim in fact if the bike was out warranty or you wanted to do it you could do those simple adjustments with the help TuneECU if they haven't locked the ECU, do you know if they have or not locked the ECU in the 2013-2014 models, there has been a lot of speculation on this matter but as yet I have not seen any confirmed facts on it.:rolleyes:
After reading this thread it seems that my stalling was not a fluke or quirk. Similar situation Hot days, 90's ish, slow speed and down shifting. Only happened 3 times over 7,000 miles, started up again before the bike slowed too much each time. My initial thought was that the new map may have dropped the idle a bit too low. Based on what I've read it will happen again.. sheite!
Dear Jim

Triumph got back to me. Throttle bodies are a little off sync, we can re-set your TPS and stepper, they are out of spec. And the iacv are at 300 and need to be at 150ish. IACV is the Idle air control Valve. So let me know when you want to bring it back and we can adjust that stuff and go from there.



Yuck! I feel for you Jim. The good news is the dealer sounds very thorough and will likely do all they can to make sure you're running right. The specific feedback from Triumph is also a positive and shows they're willing to diagnose and help get the issues corrected.

Wish my local dealer was as thorough. My bikes been running a little rough since they "adjusted the idle" almost like it's been leaned out a bit. Hasn't stalled again, though it acts like it wants to. I'll be installing tors silencers in a couple days and will (hopefully) get the latest tor download. If it doesn't run perfectly, I'll install a map from power tripp using tune ecu. Yes, I'll be the guinea pig :) hoping tune ecu works with the 2013.

Hope everything works out for you.
Here is the Email I received from my service dept. and for the record I have only had two stalls up to now, so I am not sure it is even an issue. Although I am gonna bring it in and have the work done. The bad news is when I asked him how long it would take he said he didn't know because they have never done it before :mad:

Dear Jim

Triumph got back to me. Throttle bodies are a little off sync, we can re-set your TPS and stepper, they are out of spec. And the iacv are at 300 and need to be at 150ish. IACV is the Idle air control Valve. So let me know when you want to bring it back and we can adjust that stuff and go from there.


Sounds to me like you dealer DID NOT prep the bike too well. I'd lay into the sales guy a bit - Get some T-shirts or gloves etc out of it.

It'll take a while - they'll basically have to strip out the air plenums to adjust the throttle bodies. And then refit them. Insist on watching.
hoping tune ecu works with the 2013.
According to The TuneECU site - MY2013 is supported.
Triumph Rocket III (up to model year 2013)

Worth dropping Tom a mail to ask about MY2014. The ECU indicates the tune number it was shipped with on the sticker. If it matches the OEM tunes listed on TuneECU's site - you SHOULD BE SAFE.
Sounds to me like you dealer DID NOT prep the bike too well. I'd lay into the sales guy a bit - Get some T-shirts or gloves etc out of it.

It'll take a while - they'll basically have to strip out the air plenums to adjust the throttle bodies. And then refit them. Insist on watching.

I was thinking the same thing thing yesterday regarding the set up, although I'm not sure what the set up process is, it doesnt sound like checking the ECU is part of it since he readily admitted he has never done it before, the sales guy told me they sell one or two Rockets every year, so this shouldnt be new to him.
My appointment to bring it in is on the 10th of August, it isnt gonna hurt anything to run it is it?