R3R - stalling issue?

Well it happened to me :( she died tonight while downshifting, it's a cool night and we had just left a restaurant so heat wasn't a factor,

Hoping it was just an isolated incident, and doesn't become a regular thing.
Well it happened to me :( she died tonight while downshifting, it's a cool night and we had just left a restaurant so heat wasn't a factor,

Hoping it was just an isolated incident, and doesn't become a regular thing.

Wholly ****! Yours too?! Sorry Bro, I thought I got the bad apple. Well, perhaps it's not be my harness? I was riding this morning and came to stop sign in 3rd. Let off the throttle, pulled in clutch and blah..it stalled. What are your thoughts? I have an appt to take mine back in this week.

Unfortunately, I believe it will happen again.:(
Tom. First my bike is NOT the same as yours (I have a 2009 Standard) - BUT when I tried opening the secondary butterfies to 100% all the time I had EXACTLY these issues.

Happened more the hotter it was (ambient temp)

It would stall especially in slow traffic - Pull the clutch in in 1st or second and it'd just die.

Do you blip the throttle changing down gears? - I do and I believe it makes things worse, but it's so ingrained in me I cant stop.

Did once give me a bit of an issue to re-start - but just pulled under a tree and sat for 5 mins in the shade (light breeze) and it fired straight up. It was a VERY hot day - way over 45ºC. Nice lady walked across from the Hospital across the road and gave me a bottle of water - as she thought it was me overheating.

There are a couple of possible reasons imo.

The engine is still tight. Mine loosened up noticeably after 10,000kms.

The engine may therefore be running a bit hot - this is making the plenum air intake warmer than usual - at low rpm's it's maybe outside what the IAT sensor & ECU can compensate for. So the ECU's actually pumping too much fuel in imo. Flooding basically. This I've seen on other cars and bikes. Ford Fiesta XR2's in the late '80's were infamous for this.

Whilst open secondaries sounds great - ime it affects low speed fuelling negatively. Especially if ambient temperatures are high. I've now actually closed mine down further than Triumph did in low gears. The problem went away and never returned. Why does it work? - no idea. I have theories but they're just that.

There seem to be a few of these issues being reported on 2013 Roadsters - So either it's a bad batch of looms (possible) or it's the new tune/fuel map. Would be interesting to let one of the R3-Dyno-Gods take a look.

Mine seems to do it at any given time. It's stalled after riding 2 blocks. Then I went an entire week without any incident.

Not sure what you mean when you say blip the throttle. When I change gears I quickly let off the throttle and pull in clutch. When coming to a stop I simply let off throttle completely.

I'm noticing my RPM's are dropping near 500 when I let off the throttle to downshift before coming to a stop. Then they remain around 550 - 600.

Your explanantion sounds plausible and I am going to mention this to the dealership's tech this week. By looms you are referring to wire harness, yes?

Thanks, Barbagris!!:D:D
Just FYI...Here are 2 pics of where my dealership was thinking the faulty wire is that feeds the timing. It's the blue wire on the right side.


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Not sure what you mean when you say blip the throttle. When I change gears I quickly let off the throttle and pull in clutch. When coming to a stop I simply let off throttle completely.

I'm noticing my RPM's are dropping near 500 when I let off the throttle to downshift before coming to a stop. Then they remain around 550 - 600.
Blip - a quick throttle opening (short vrum) whist the clutch is pulled in and shifting (esp down). It's habit borne of older vehicles that needed double de clutching to change gear. Especially if they have BIG HEAVY flywheels.

500-600 is LOW - and my guess is the beastie's TIGHT. Mine did the same in gear, clutch pulled in when it was newer esp with the secondaries at 100%.

What does it idle at in "N"? The idle values are set in the ECU - But afaik only are any use in "N".

Has it stalled in gear and pulling? - if not PERSONALLY I doubt it's an intermittent wire contact. Vibration would set it off.

Looms = harness, yes.
Interesting to hear about the popping issues - I have that too, but being new to Triumph I figured it was just one of those brand-specific things. I didn't think to mention about the 3rd/2nd issue, but now that I think about it, when I downshift at speed to engine brake I have noticed the oil pressure light pop on until being fully into 2nd a few times.

Going to have my service done tomorrow and will mention about both the new program and the TPS reset. I'll post back with an update once she is out and rolling again!

No more stalls of yet, but I did notice the oil pressure light pop on and off when downshifting using the engine to brake same as Rocketmouse......:confused:
Blip - a quick throttle opening (short vrum) whist the clutch is pulled in and shifting (esp down). It's habit borne of older vehicles that needed double de clutching to change gear. Especially if they have BIG HEAVY flywheels.

500-600 is LOW - and my guess is the beastie's TIGHT. Mine did the same in gear, clutch pulled in when it was newer esp with the secondaries at 100%.

What does it idle at in "N"? The idle values are set in the ECU - But afaik only are any use in "N".

Has it stalled in gear and pulling? - if not PERSONALLY I doubt it's an intermittent wire contact. Vibration would set it off.

Looms = harness, yes.

Ok, no, I don't blip the throttle with my R3R. I'd do it every so often when I had my Vulcan though.

On a cold start the RPM's hover at 900-1000. But once it's going they drop to around the 600 -700 range while in neutral and will drop as low as 500 when downshifting. It's never stalled while in gear, only when the clutch is pulled in. I agree that it's not a short circuit. Vibration and other outside influences would be constantly setting it off.

So why was I able to ride it for a week with no stalls, but yesterday and this morning it stalls again? Two recent episodes very close to each other, but none for a week. I don't get it? So if you're right about it being tight, I guess riding it will alleviate the stalling until it eventually loosens up enough.

The most common example is when i'm rolling along at 35ish in 3rd gear and I let off the throttle while pulling in clutch to down shift. It's an immediate stall, no warning, no nothing. One second it's running, a split second later it's dead. So I just hit the start button and continue on my way. One time after it stalled it would not restart. I tried 7, maybe 8 times. After apprx 20 minutes it popped off and I rode it home. That's happened only once, thankfully.

I figured Looms meant harness, but wanted to be sure:D

Only a guess but I reckon the tune they have in the new derestricted models may be a tad and then after you have been cruising around for a while the O2 sensor has leaned it of even more, just as an experiment try doing a 12 minute tune and see if it goes away for a while, just a thought ... I could be wrong but it wont hurt to do the 12 min tune and see if the problem does go away for a while and if so you may just have see if someone like Wayne Tripp can come up with a Fixit tune :)