R3R - stalling issue?

Mine stalled out today after the first 50miles, same as what others are saying, in 3rd about 3K rpm, pulled clutch in and off the throttle to downshift, plrrbbb, plrrrbb, plrrrbbb.... dead. No big deal though, pushed the button, fired right back up. Did not have any issues downshifting at higher RPMs (!), or even pulling the clutch no throttle from higher gears/speeds. Seems like I've had bikes to this a few times before. Doesn't seem like a major issue to me YET. Now if it starts happening a bunch of times, (like a few times every time I ride) then I'm taking it back to the dealer to report the problem (though I don't really trust them enough to work on it , I still want them to call Triumph and let them know, see what they say)

I'm hoping the engine just needs a little time to loosen up a bit.
Isn't it odd that it often (always?) happens during downshifting from 3rd to 2nd gear?

Why wouldn't it happen between other gears?

Is there a gear position sensor that could be involved?

First time mine stalled I was in fifth and pulled in the clutch just to momentarily relax my numb right hand. Only had about 100 miles on the bike at the time. It only stalled around 3-4 times in the first 600 miles and easily started right back up each time.

Earlier in this thread, a few people said one of the reasons this is happening is possibly because the motor is still "tight" and not yet broke in. I truly believe that was the cause, at least partially. I now have around 1400 miles and this beast just keeps running better and better. Interesting how it started making new noises at around 1000 miles. It started to growl - seriously. My riding style hasn't changed. I just started hearing more very noticeable intake / growling noise, and God help me I like it.
Over 3000 miles, and my 2013 did it yesterday. Can't say what gear I was in. This is the 4th or 5th time. Usually when slowing for a red light. Almost always notice the red oil light, before I realize what's happened. And always with the clutch in, as all I do is let it back out, a slight chirp from the rear tire, and she's running again. BUT, it is getting to be a pain in the arse. Otherwise running great, and that's why I've put off hooking up TuneEcu, but I guess I must do what I must do. Thinking about bringing the idle up a tick or two.
Oh, and I'm thinking about by-passing the clutch lever switch, and the side stand switch. Much like I do to my riding mowers, that have all dat chit on the seat and clutch pedal. I know it's for safety, but at 64 next month, I ain't too concerned with safety. "Like a bug on a windshield" is my motto. Funny, had a guy with a BIG full dresser Harley mention to me yesterday, when the "A" hole in a cage turns in front of us, be sure to aim for the door. With all our weight and momentum, we're sure to take out the driver, thus making it safer for all the rest of our bike riding comrades.
another hour and a half ride to the dealer to pick up my bike, I got two minutes down the road and the check engine light came back on

Back at the dealer now.........
What thell?

Apologies for being the contiunal optimist, but at least you were still close to the dealer.
Turns out the check engine light is being caused by the stepping motor losing its way..,.
I'll continue to ride it while they order another one and another' TPS

I'm home now time for lunch and a couple cold ones
Turns out the check engine light is being caused by the stepping motor losing its way..,.
I'll continue to ride it while they order another one and another' TPS

I'm home now time for lunch and a couple cold ones
So there is light at the end of the tunnel