Quick Release Sissy Bar for the Roadster

Al you can buy your own buffing wheels and the grinder to boot and do it yourself for less than that,,, crikey that's a bit over the top.

That's what I thought ... hey Malcy where's my email ????
Its a comin mate its a comin. Been a silly season again with what I do in the community. I will get onto it though, I will send you something before the weekend. Doing it tough at present my accountant is o/seas he he.
Could send them back to me and I could arrange the polishing for $80
yeah I know it's a lot of money but I would have had to take time off work to go to either Toowoomba or Ipswich to get them done and frankly it was just easier!!!!!!!
Yeah they want about $120 dollars to polish the brackets here in TO... and about a week to do it?? Seriously... I think I'll just leave them as is.
buy the spindle adaptors for your grinder get the buffing/polishing wheel (or as I did get both) get the correct compound for wheel and polish to your hearts content it will take a couple of hours for the size of the brackets, you will be surprised how many things you can polish with them.
As previously mentioned mine are available to use if you are in the area and Al if you like post them down here I will do them for you for free you just cover postage back and forth
KEEP US POSTED ! I want one as well !
Check out the backrest/luggage rack that I made. It goes on and off with no tools. also it is reversible, meaning it can be rider backrest or turned the other way, a passenger backrest. check out the pictures in my pic gallery. Most of the pics were taken before it was completed, as far as the welding and cleanup. I used the stock Triumph saddlebag mounts, but I put a stainless steel spacer on the four mounting bolts. Then I used 1/2 inch solid 404 stainless steel rod to bend and form into the frame. This backrest bracket simply lowers straight down onto the four spacers, then four lynch pins hold it in place. no tools to remove. I will say though to reverse it you would have to switch the backrest pad and bag. that just takes an Allen wrench.