Malcy Turbocharged Joined Mar 24, 2012 Messages 512 Location Victoria. Ride 2010 Roadster. Jul 15, 2013 #91 Patience Mittzy patience, these things take time you know !!! hehehe Just ribbing you mate..
Mittzy The Hooligan - Just Doing Stuff Joined Aug 29, 2011 Messages 8,533 Location Brisbane, Australia Ride 2020 TFC #385, 2014 R3 Roadster 230hp (BRUTUS) Jul 15, 2013 #92 Malcy said: Patience Mittzy patience, these things take time you know !!! hehehe Just ribbing you mate.. Click to expand... Hi there Malcolm, how are ya mate? Yeah my wife says patience is not my strong point
Malcy said: Patience Mittzy patience, these things take time you know !!! hehehe Just ribbing you mate.. Click to expand... Hi there Malcolm, how are ya mate? Yeah my wife says patience is not my strong point
ponters 254 RWHP Lush Racing Engine Joined May 24, 2010 Messages 1,876 Location Melbourne Australia Ride 2010 Triumph Rocket Roadster Jul 15, 2013 #93 hiya there fellas, all got a bit hard chasing the fellas on this. kinda went by the way side but happy to chase it up again if you like.
hiya there fellas, all got a bit hard chasing the fellas on this. kinda went by the way side but happy to chase it up again if you like.
albertaduke former airline pilot without the big bucks Joined Feb 16, 2010 Messages 4,284 Location kaleden Ride 2021 rocket3 GT Jul 15, 2013 #94 ponters said: hiya there fellas, all got a bit hard chasing the fellas on this. kinda went by the way side but happy to chase it up again if you like. Click to expand... me too patience is not my stronger suit. mind you it has only been a year I 'd like to see a quick detach sissy bar on my R3 before senility sets in!!
ponters said: hiya there fellas, all got a bit hard chasing the fellas on this. kinda went by the way side but happy to chase it up again if you like. Click to expand... me too patience is not my stronger suit. mind you it has only been a year I 'd like to see a quick detach sissy bar on my R3 before senility sets in!!
ponters 254 RWHP Lush Racing Engine Joined May 24, 2010 Messages 1,876 Location Melbourne Australia Ride 2010 Triumph Rocket Roadster Jul 15, 2013 #95 will start asking the boys again. nox why dont you just get some made up for us mate?
Mittzy The Hooligan - Just Doing Stuff Joined Aug 29, 2011 Messages 8,533 Location Brisbane, Australia Ride 2020 TFC #385, 2014 R3 Roadster 230hp (BRUTUS) Jul 15, 2013 #96 ponters said: will start asking the boys again. nox why dont you just get some made up for us mate? Click to expand... Ponters send a copy of any drawings you have and I too can look into it.
ponters said: will start asking the boys again. nox why dont you just get some made up for us mate? Click to expand... Ponters send a copy of any drawings you have and I too can look into it.
Triple Trouble The Duk of death Joined Sep 12, 2005 Messages 2,465 Location Orchard Beach. Ont. Canada , London England Ride '05 Rocket III '73 Norton Commando 65 Norton Atlas Jul 15, 2013 #97 What format are the drawing files in? I'd like to see if I can get something going up here in North America. Perhaps you could send me a set?
What format are the drawing files in? I'd like to see if I can get something going up here in North America. Perhaps you could send me a set?
fnscotsman .020 Over Joined Jul 8, 2013 Messages 36 Location Colorado Ride RIII Roadster 2014 Jul 16, 2013 #98 Jardine Quick Release Backrest Have any of you come across these quick release backrests? Looks like what we have been searching for.... They come in both tall and short apparently. Cheers.
Jardine Quick Release Backrest Have any of you come across these quick release backrests? Looks like what we have been searching for.... They come in both tall and short apparently. Cheers.
MCDVX LOCATION: Washington DC Joined Nov 19, 2013 Messages 65 Location Washington, DC Ride 2014 Triumph Rocket Roadster Nov 20, 2013 #99 FriarJohn, I looked at the page and didn't see anything about the quick-release sissy bar posts for Rocket Classic/Roadster?
FriarJohn, I looked at the page and didn't see anything about the quick-release sissy bar posts for Rocket Classic/Roadster?
warp9.9 Pocałuj mnie w dupę Joined Jun 10, 2007 Messages 11,449 Location Forest City Illinois Ride 07 Rocket Nov 20, 2013 #100 fnscotsman said: Jardine Quick Release Backrest Have any of you come across these quick release backrests? Looks like what we have been searching for.... They come in both tall and short apparently. Cheers. Click to expand... Hard to tell what the Roadster one looks like or the seperate mounting kit needed for the job. To bad they do not have some real life pictures for our bike.
fnscotsman said: Jardine Quick Release Backrest Have any of you come across these quick release backrests? Looks like what we have been searching for.... They come in both tall and short apparently. Cheers. Click to expand... Hard to tell what the Roadster one looks like or the seperate mounting kit needed for the job. To bad they do not have some real life pictures for our bike.