The more I think about Ponters Pipes the more I want some........:D
I think I am in love:eek:
Just havnt got the coin right now:(
Like Nev Lush Says........Its cheap Horsepower:cool:
I Want
I Want
I Want
Hi Neville. A tune was going to be the next thing on my to do list but....this morning going to work I never made it there. I was in the left lane on a 3 lane highway when a car in the middle lane decided to make a last second left turn. I hit the car in the middle at about 50kms on his passenger side and I remember seeing the bike and myself separate then see it slide away from me, hitting the kerbing and flipping in the air. Next I recall were people standing over me asking me questions...u you feel etc. Never did get to see the bike again, was put in the ambulance to hospital. I am home now, right hip, knee, calf, ankle, foot swollen and bruised and a couple of broken ribs. Not happy. At least I'm home and in one piece, even though broken and bruised.
Hi Neville. A tune was going to be the next thing on my to do list but....this morning going to work I never made it there. I was in the left lane on a 3 lane highway when a car in the middle lane decided to make a last second left turn. I hit the car in the middle at about 50kms on his passenger side and I remember seeing the bike and myself separate then see it slide away from me, hitting the kerbing and flipping in the air. Next I recall were people standing over me asking me questions...u you feel etc. Never did get to see the bike again, was put in the ambulance to hospital. I am home now, right hip, knee, calf, ankle, foot swollen and bruised and a couple of broken ribs. Not happy. At least I'm home and in one piece, even though broken and bruised.

Oh Phuck! Scorp! dude, that is totally **** and fantastic all in one breath. So glad youre ok even if a bit sore. :(
relieved to know you are just bruised and sore ...what is so F..g wrong with car drivers that they think cars are like living rooms on wheels.

what could be done so riders do not get hit so often I wished the driving license test in N-A and australia would include how to look and respect other users particularly those on two wheels .. I know I babble away but any US or canadian or australian with a driving license should have to retake the test in germany or france that would make them realize how little they know .
yeah dreaming ..
get well Scorp
relieved to know you are just bruised and sore ...what is so F..g wrong with car drivers that they think cars are like living rooms on wheels.

what could be done so riders do not get hit so often I wished the driving license test in N-A and australia would include how to look and respect other users particularly those on two wheels .. I know I babble away but any US or canadian or australian with a driving license should have to retake the test in germany or france that would make them realize how little they know .
yeah dreaming ..
get well Scorp
make all car drivers ride a motor bike for 2 years so they would start being aware of thier surroundings
A lot of drivers are callous and indifferent but it's also really easy for a bike just not to be seen if you're in his blind spot for example. We just gotta ride as if they don't know we're there and hope that nothing happens that we can't control. It's interesting that at the moment around Canberra there are these mobile signs that say "share the road with motorbikes". There's also some road rules aimed at making life easier (or possible!) for riders - such as allowing us to use the bus/transit lanes, lane splitting, parking etc. It would be good if all drivers understood the dangers of riding but they don't.

Your prang sounds like it could have been real nasty, Scorp. Glad you've come out of it and are mendable. Hope the bike is too.

Thats a bad deal all round. Glad your semi-ok and know who the guy was who hit you. The ribs can be uncomfortable.... if you have mates like mine they will tell you jokes and **** to make you laugh so it hurts more. Hope you can get about and back on deck soon. Cheers Nev
Thanks Nev. I did speak with the tow truck driver who I was hoping he would deliver my bike to me today. He said around 2pm he would phone me if possible otherwise tomorrow, looks like tomorrow at this stage. I asked him how did the bike look. He said the main thing he noticed was the casing at the bottom of the motor was broken....ummm, that dont sound good :(