Trying to get my video camera working so i can record it as sound quality will be best, problem is i have a 3 week old camera and its crapped itself. will get around to it this week i hope.
Trying to get my video camera working so i can record it as sound quality will be best, problem is i have a 3 week old camera and its crapped itself. will get around to it this week i hope.
make sure you don't have it too close or the noise canncelling systems in most cameras will take the best of the sound away just a tip as I found out the hard way
Trying to get my video camera working so i can record it as sound quality will be best, problem is i have a 3 week old camera and its crapped itself. will get around to it this week i hope.
Guys sorry i havent uploaded a clip yet. I promise to do so as soon as the bike gets home. Is in Qld for a few more days then when it gets home i will sort out for you.
You bet ya. The new exhaust arrived for me this Friday after work, I had it all installed by 9 pm that night. Such a different sound. It is louder but not too loud. Had a guy on a Harly toot me yesterday and give me the thumbs up, maybe I unknowlingly converted him by looks and sound. Was surprised, I have no popping or anything unusual. Maybe my last tune is agreeing with it. I know I do. Thanks once again for starting this Ponters so others like myself can benefit. Cheers.
I can see what looks like a flash - or is that your teeth?
Would be interested in how you're finding the heat on your leg with your feet forward.
Congratulations, by the way!