Pistol carrier

I don't own any "disposables". Closest thing I own is a S&W 40 SVE. I hate it...has a nine inch trigger pull that's about as smooth as a dump truck on a gravel road, but the CFO loves it. What can I say? She gets what she wants :D

So when the big domestic happens, you got 9 inches to get the first shot off with!
I can pull the trigger 8 times accurately with any of my Kimbers in the time it takes the missus to get off one with the S&W. Of course if she is excited or scared somebody is gonna get 15 high speed, low altitude missiles to dodge in about 2 secs. She may not be accurate at that rate of fire but she is hell on suppression ;)

Oh...and BTW...for me to give anybody 9" and make it hurt I would have to do it 3 times and slap the $hit out of them :D
We get to carry a sharp stick .. ok at close quarters but a bugger at any sort of distance. Honestly I am glad Australians aren't allowed to conceal carry .. be a worry I reckon.
We get to carry a sharp stick .. ok at close quarters but a bugger at any sort of distance. Honestly I am glad Australians aren't allowed to conceal carry .. be a worry I reckon.

Pretend you are 70, out somewhere with your wife and grandchildren.
A few young able bodied doper punks carrying pointy sticks or non legal guns accost you demanding your valuables and money . . .
Pull, drop, two each center mass and your family is safe.
Pretend you are 70, out somewhere with your wife and grandchildren.
A few young able bodied doper punks carrying pointy sticks or non legal guns accost you demanding your valuables and money . . .
Pull, drop, two each center mass and your family is safe.


Just glad it hasn't got like that here mind you I wouldn't live in Sydney lately with all the gang shooting going on there
For all the media headlines, ya gotta keep Sydney in perspective. Two or three shootings a week in a population of - what 2 1/2 million?? Reckon you'd have to be sticking your neck out to get into strife.

Not that I like the bluddy place.................
The more I read this thread the more I can't imagine living in a society like that. I know you guys love your guns but I'm glad I don't really know what you're talking about. There are illegal guns around here too, and the possibility of violent crime, but I don't feel the need to carry one myself. I do know that if you pull one, you have to be prepared to use it, and I'm not sure I would.
The more I read this thread the more I can't imagine living in a society like that. I know you guys love your guns but I'm glad I don't really know what you're talking about. There are illegal guns around here too, and the possibility of violent crime, but I don't feel the need to carry one myself. I do know that if you pull one, you have to be prepared to use it, and I'm not sure I would.

Only if we lived in a perfect world;),in my neck of the woods there are rapes ,robberies and shootings every day especially in some areas of the town i work in. i 've been carring a Glock 17 and a Sig 229 for awhile but recently switched over to a Kahr PM9 . I pray the day will never come when i have to use it,but it's good to know if things go bad i can defend myself.

For all the media headlines, ya gotta keep Sydney in perspective. Two or three shootings a week in a population of - what 2 1/2 million?? Reckon you'd have to be sticking your neck out to get into strife.

Not that I like the bluddy place.................

Sydney well over 4 1/2million these days, if you take in the urban sprawl as well as growth.