Pistol carrier

I do know that if you pull one, you have to be prepared to use it, and I'm not sure I would.
That can be instilled with training. If anyone came after my wife or myself, I'd use it with no hesitation and let the chips fall where they may.

We have a saying here: "Better to be tried by [a jury of] 12 than to be carried by 6 [pallbearers]." I believe that with all my heart.

I am glad that ya'll do not have the issues we have here...There are tens of tens of thousands of low life trashy people over here that will kill you for $10.00 and that is a fact....also will kill you for a $50.00 watch on your wrist or a name brand tennis shoe you are wearing.
Get lost is most of the larger cities in this country you stand a good chance of getting killed for your car....This stuff happens 100s of times per day in this country.

We have gangs of kids......10 to 15 years old that does shootings every day in just about all the large cities. Most of the people I am referring to are the poor and drug infested communities ...These Communities may have over a million to 3 million people living like that in our large cities.

Thank GOD that our country is large enough that most Americans do not have to deal with these issues every day. I live close to a small city in North Carolina.....Named.... Durham

Durham NC is called the city of Medicine....because of Duke Hospital and Duke University ......There is 3 major University's with in 30 miles of my home.

University North Carolina......North Carolina State University and Duke.

Durham NC is a small city with a Population around 250,000, out of that number there are 75,000 with in 10 miles of my home that will kill you for the $10.00 or your watch.. Our normal shooting are about 2-4 per day here.

The Illegal drugs that are on the streets here is absolutely out of control..The break in and stealing happens 100s of times per week here. There are not enough cops to put a dent into what is going on here...

Can you even have a clue as to what a city that has 20 million......13 million.....8 million... 3 million is like here with the same conditions and percentage of the bad people as where I live.

I do believe there will be a War between good and bad here in the future. I am pretty sure it will not happen in my life time.....but not so sure about my Grandson's life time.

I hope and pray that the drugs and bad people never get into your country like it has here..I could not fathom what it would be like here if we did not have guns to protect ourselves and property...For all the bad people, Crack Heads and other dope addicted here to know there are no guns in anyone's home.....They would have a field day Killing, Raping, Stealing whom ever they pleased.

If you look at all the bad shooting that has happened in the USA...........99% were in an area that Gun were Not Allowed!!!
Very easy to kill people when none of them can shoot back or you have to wait 10 min. for the cops to get there.

By being able to carry a concealed hand gun here is something that has cut way down on crime here....You will find that most people will not be as aggressive toward others if they do not know for sure if the other person has a hand gun on them.

Just my .02 cents worth
Don't get me wrong , my comment regarding 'concealed carry' was because right now we don't need to carry firearms here to protect ourselves or loved ones .. that may well change in the future. I'd have no problem whatsoever defending myself or any of my family/friends should the need arise. Like they say "better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it"
I for one wouldn't live in a war-zone like environment like you blokes have described.. I just wouldn't. Thankful I live in Australia .. really am.
Evil is ever present in all societies and regardless of economic factors or existing gun laws or lack thereof. That fact alone - places upon me the need to protect my family against all forms of tyranny - both foreign and domestic - including the thug I may encounter looking for his next high.

Like I have said before on here....Your Australia and the USA are apx. the same size in land...Australia has apx. 23 million people there..

Here in the USA we have apx. 320 million people....California, not a big state either...Has 38 Million people living there.....The city of Los Angeles was 13 million last year. New York City has 9 million.

The murder Capitol Of the USA is Detroit City.....750,000 people live there and 83% are Black

Durham NC is apx. 39% Black

I know what I just wrote will sound racial.....but facts are facts
This is the new trend on the streets..

We have sites like Youtube to thank for this becoming a global phenomenon. Bit hard to pull your Sig Glock or whatever when your out before you hit the ground.
Evil is ever present in all societies and regardless of economic factors or existing gun laws or lack thereof. That fact alone - places upon me the need to protect my family against all forms of tyranny - both foreign and domestic - including the thug I may encounter looking for his next high.

Exactly, and that will never change; regardless of how many laws are passed to take away the God given rights of decent folks to defend themselves, and for the criminals to ignore, just as they do all the other laws they're already breaking.

Something else for y'all who think the Gov't. is in a better position to protect you and yours to ponder; every mass murder that has occurred here has been carried out in a "gun free zone."

Seems to me like that pretty much sums up most of your country.

I wouldn't live that way, either.

The more I read this thread the more I can't imagine living in a society like that. I know you guys love your guns but I'm glad I don't really know what you're talking about. There are illegal guns around here too, and the possibility of violent crime, but I don't feel the need to carry one myself. I do know that if you pull one, you have to be prepared to use it, and I'm not sure I would.

Given what you have stated - you be a smart fellow, Mate.