Pistol carrier

I have the law on my side:)
Can you lift this beast and fire it with one hand?!?!?!
Overkill? Penis envy? Some other syndrome?
heh heh heh
I've fired this and it's a HANDFULL!
Best Regards,
Can you lift this beast and fire it with one hand?!?!?!
Overkill? Penis envy? Some other syndrome?
heh heh heh
I've fired this and it's a HANDFULL!
Best Regards,
The truth is that i have nevre fired this thing, i have a few guns that just sit looking pretty in my safe, unfired but ready:cautious:
how can your guns be ready I guess to be used in self -defense if you first have to find the safe key , punch the safe code, open the door choose the big one turn around and ...you fill the blank!!
Some folks purchase weapons because they are unique or hold a special attraction.
Surely Lupehas his guns that are familiar and at the ready
I have the law on my side:)
Just a friendly word of caution from your neighborhood lawyer, it's ALWAYS a bad idea to post a picture of a gun you own with its serial number in plain view. It's too easy for some thug to take that number and plant it on a gun used for purposes that you would never dream of.
Lupe ....the judge is a ladies gun.....just watch the commercials .....LOL

The truth be known....Is I don't have any guns that work.....I got 2 old guns that has rusted shut...

Oops....I do have a bb gun if that counts:D

All the guns I show on this site is photo shopped pictures I steal off of the internet.......I am pretty sure Lupe does the same thing.

I guess it is like what I have watched on TV here about Australia.....The land that has the most dangerous animal and insects in the world there

Salt water crocks every where......Dozens of different kinds of snakes that will kill you in just seconds. ...Spiders that will kill you while you are a sleep or putting your shoes on.

I know that all those creatures live there....But I know it is like here ...There are places there that you must be aware of where you are at....Things that you know, ....you should or should not do in certain areas.

I wish that our country was like yours and all we had to worry about was critters....Yes I am jealous of your country......And I pray that you do not wind up with the same issues we have here..
One additional word of caution to our overseas friends. I doubt you are getting a good representation of this country as a whole either from the main stream media or us boys on here. I live here and I wouldn't move to this country either based on some of the descriptions I've seen posted. Do we have random violent crime? Yes we do...same as any other country in the world. Is it wide spread? Not so much as you would think. I live close to the third largest city in this country and I've never been involved in a violent crime, nor do I know anyone that has. I seem to remember reading somewhere that violent crime in this country has been in steady decline over the last decade. My point is that either side in this debate can trot out examples to support their argument. If it truly is a topic of interest for you do your own research and make up your own mind.

Personally my decision to carry has very little to do with my fear of violent crime and a whole lot to do with the exercise of my constitutional rights as a citizen. Each of us views the world through the prism of our own experience and circumstance and tend to base our opinions on the same. While we here in the US tend to believe that we are a free people living in a great country there are perfectly rational arguments that suggest we are anything but, and our rights are eroded a little bit more every day. We are already beginning to see a steady increase in the number of wealthy citizens renouncing their citizenship and moving their fortunes to more politically hospitable countries. A brief look back through history will tell you that this is one of the first indicators of major decline in a country, empire, etc.

Rant over...carry on :cool:

I agree with 90% of what you are saying.......Houston is #4

But I will bet anything that there a very large sections of Houston that you and your wife would not ride your motorcycle through without a gun or even with a gun...and the same is for me here also......I know to stay out of certain areas....even in this small city

I know almost nothing about Australia..........But I know enough not to take my family to a Brackish River with nice sunny flat banks for the children and grand children ...plus family dogs to have a nice picnic on the beach and the kids and dogs to play in the water.

Some things are just common sense .