Pic of Triple K&N's Under Bearclaw

cool idea ponters
would have looked a little better if all three wher uniform though

yeah, its funny, looks funny in the pic but in real life looks more uniform. Going to beed it but have to take the mesh out bead it and then re mesh it. Speaking to somebody about laser cutting it just to tidy it a little.

NO...have tested it to 220k (ummm in a wind tunnel officer) utilising a db reader and certainly more wind noise but the only higher bandwidth reading was likely created by the mesh. certainly nothing to speak of from an in helmet audible noise.

Just went out and looked, and yes, i simply followed the standard curve hump so in real life seems to flow better

Edge is so fine that it catches less than the original edge however it is a work in progress, once I have finished resurfacing it in chrome or black the edge will completely disappear.

Performance...no considereable gain and certainly none that i can detect from my seat of the pants gyro meter but i have tested as best i can and their certainly is more air in their but 1 thing i can confirm the air in their is 7 degree cooler than prior to the slits...more cooler air can only be good...i think!

Yeah it does straighten a tad but kinda got to the "close enough" part of the job as decided I wanted to get it laser cut and thought rightho, put it together, if i like it i'll perfect it if not i'll cut the full gut out or replace it and I kinda like it i think. A few extra curves can never hurt!
Had some spare time on my hands, cut the claw, sprayed the back of it with primer/rust preventer, ordered some filters from Amazon and all done thanks to all the ideas on here

Looks great Scorp nice clean line . Would look even sweeter with some chrome dresser caps on the filters I reckon. Where have you got the coolent overflow hidden ? Under the seat ? . Nice work

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My radiator overflow is behind the LHS cover. In the airbox I have my Stebel Nautilus, I cut a hole at the RHS bottom of the airbox so I get 139db blasting out of the middle of the bike unobstructed. A highly recommended mod for safety and the wow factor for all. Cheers
Thank you again for your help, now I ll ry to finish my work here are some pics will finish when I have more Dremmel saws I ran out and put some rubber finish also
