Pic of Triple K&N's Under Bearclaw

Thank you Sir. Appreciate your opinion. I'll calm down... Russell
You might consider buying a used bearclaw and cutting it down. I found one already cut down on this forum and had it painted.

Side view.JPG
You might consider buying a used bearclaw and cutting it down. I found one already cut down on this forum and had it painted.

Side view.JPG
Great idea, cause I'm no artist. Do they vary in fitment from one year to other years? Or, do they differ from Roadster to Touring? Thanks... Russell
You will need 2 of this filter K&N 62-1340 Vent Filters. You will need 3 of this filter K&N RU-2780 if you want to change the air filters on your bike. Hope this helps you :D
Norm I think you would be happier and like better the RamAir filter system. It comes with everything you need to do it right. No mickey mousing around with the air flow sensor. I've seen it advertised for $149 shipped.