NO it doesn't have anything on the hiflofiltro if you were paying attention. Why don't you just use one of those toilet paper filters and save a few more bucks mr oil filter expert.
Product #: FKUNIV This kit includes all of the parts and fittings necessary to install the Frantz Filter System on diesel OR gasoline powered vehicles! Also perfect for home & RV standby generators, see Applications tab below. Includes: Frantz Filter Basic Kit Hose Male Hose fittings Lock...
im not an expert but i do pride myself in making and finding rabbit holes of information by diving off the deep end for no reason other than to seemly waste time, but i DO retain most of what i learn. If i paid up for a "quality / performance oil and or oil filter i would have spent more then i spend on tires by now, and i go though a lot of tires for an amateur casual rider!
Service life on oil and filters is LOW AF, 2500 miles per bike, the rocker is really like 3500, i put about 20K on my bikes and another 25K on my truck a year collectively. you can do the math! i already have!
I never said those high flows were K&N. show me where i did.
Its not hard to look things up now days and plenty of videos by experts who have spent the time and $ to figure it out. Im just offering what i have found so you can make a decision on your own and i weigh in my thoughts but i never demanded you or anyone do anything. We ride motorcycles... literally the definition of being a free thinker unless your a HD vest guy JK
When you buy filters in bulk (not hard to do) and you buy oil when its on a supper sale, it makes a difference. I spend about $18 to do the rocket, and $12 to change the ninja and about the same on the nighthawk.
I have yet to see a good sale on oil this year, 3 years ago i purchased 8 boxes of 10-40 T4 for about $4 a quart and the filters for the ninja for about the same. its bad enough tires for her are $60 front and $70 rear and only get about 5K miles on them, but the amount of riding i do for work (home inspections) and Bathroom remodeling quotes pays the mileage reimbursement. every buck counts.
WHY spend it on scam filters and cherry flavored performance motor oil. Do so research, learn, and apply it to your wallet.