Pay attention!!!!!!!

Ya got better eye sight than I do! I saw the break light on in a couple of frames, but what I meant is an ABS system equipped vehicle will only leave an "impending skid" type mark. I could not see it. He's lucky it's not an non ABS Harley! The rear tire would be up in smoke the minute he righted the bike and started applying some line pressure!
It's rather sobering seeing that front wheel completely de-spoked in frame 19.

Nice form on the forward roll. Even landed on his feet. Too bad he didn't stick the landing.

I wonder when this happened and what were the extent of the riders injuries? The guy in the Vette is lucky. A little more time for the Vette to travel forward, or a little more turn to the right by the Vette and the bike rider and bike would be inside with the Vette driver!!!!!

Can you say "Smart car!" The bike would have ran right through one of those new gas mileage micro tin can wonders you now see all over the place in the cities!:kk:
Facts are the guy is a tosser , he was to busy waving to his imaginary audience , and his mind on how he looked , that before he knew it he was on the bend , threw the bike in , and panicked when it scraped , came upright and could'nt control it .

Suppose accidents can happen to any of us , but this guy was to busy waving to the camera , and not watching the road . Luck it was a car he hit , it could of been another rider .
Don't look at Photographers

I agree the photographers are a big distraction on the Dragon and other roads and anyone wanting to look nice in the picture is subject to the same situation this guy got into , so Just remember do not pay attenton to these guys while you are riding. The first time I rode the dragon I was unaware of the photographers and it caught me off gaurd so I looked for just a instant at them and I didnt go over the yellow line but I did miss my line through the corner and ground a lot of metal through the rest of the corner. I wasnt going all that fast but I was on a 1800 suzuki and big bikes are not very nimble.