Pay attention!!!!!!!

Wonder just how many accidents are caused by riders looking at their reflections in shop windows. We drove alongside 3 of them the other day ( all on new Harleys and dressed up like pirates). All of them were gazing away at their own refections ... the last one very nearly ran up the back of the first 2... had to be seen :rolleyes:
Wonder just how many accidents are caused by riders looking at their reflections in shop windows. We drove alongside 3 of them the other day ( all on new Harleys and dressed up like pirates). All of them were gazing away at their own refections ... the last one very nearly ran up the back of the first 2... had to be seen :rolleyes:

Amazing! That must have been Bob. "Bob *****en" that is. Idiots! :rolleyes:
to sexy for his road rash

the wife and i ride the dragon 3 or 4 times a year the photo graphers are always there beleive me the only thing we notice are the tennesse highway patrolmen... her on her interstate me on my rocket
Yup, classic fixation. The vette driver must have thought the biker deliberately rode into him, that is certainly what it looks like from the pictures.

Even if you are paying attention things can still go bad quickly just by making the wrong judgment. Here two bikes go off the road one after the other after passing a car on the dragon....another case of fixation after entering a turn too fast.....

Harley falls off a cliff at the Dragon in N.C. - YouTube
Yup, classic fixation. The vette driver must have thought the biker deliberately rode into him, that is certainly what it looks like from the pictures.

Even if you are paying attention things can still go bad quickly just by making the wrong judgment. Here two bikes go off the road one after the other after passing a car on the dragon....another case of fixation after entering a turn too fast.....

Harley falls off a cliff at the Dragon in N.C. - YouTube

Now that's funny! The guy in the vehicle says,,,,"Their going to beat our ass. Let's get out of here." Amazing. It appears the guy in the vehicle was going too slow, impeding traffic and the dumb ass riding the Harley decided to pass. Simply amazing!!! Stupid is as stupid does!
Another crash

Man all of this about M/C crashes and I just got this info regarding a guy I used to work with and his wife. Apparently they were riding two up and were involved in a crash near Flagstaff, AZ. No details known at this time.

"Howard suffered a broken neck, broken ribs, lacerated liver, punctured lung
and his shoulder has to be rebuilt. Linda has a few broken bones and some
blood on the brain but is expected to recover soon. His family has arrived"

WOW! Makes me wonder why we ride some times! :confused:
Now that's funny! The guy in the vehicle says,,,,"Their going to beat our ass. Let's get out of here." Amazing. It appears the guy in the vehicle was going too slow, impeding traffic and the dumb ass riding the Harley decided to pass. Simply amazing!!! Stupid is as stupid does!

I can't believe he drove off! That rider might have needed help getting somewhere. What a f#ck wit. First for driving so slow and second for driving off. Hope he got a some grief over it.
G'day Lonnie;

My Lovely lady hasn't had here bike licence long and is till getting used to the whole box and dice of bike riding.

Cathy has come ahead in leaps and bounds, the only consistent issue is her cornering mainly right hand corners.

Showing her these pictures and explaining, what and why this accident happened it all just clicked into place on how and why you have to take any corner the right way.

But it definitely goes to show, not watching what your doing and show boating for friends and cameras can and often does end up in disaster.