Pay attention!!!!!!!

I agree with all however Scot has me on tape in one of those Oh crap,target fixation or whatever you want to call it moments. I'm old but I ain't too old to learn, Thanks Oger !!
perfect weather and roads and he cant ride for ****. he wouldnt last pissing time on our roads in winter
Picture #9 tells the whole story, Folks! He starts draggin' bits and pieces, freaks out and pulls the bike upright which takes him immediately off of his proper line through the turn and hands his fate over to the Laws of Physics. He fixates on his target at this exact moment because he's resigned to the inevitability that, now that he's been pushed outside of the apex of the curve, he is going to rearrange that beautiful 'Vette coming from the other direction and there's not a ****ed thing he can do about it. I'm certain that even if he had had the presence of mind to try to force a lowside, that he had enough time to pull it off before impacting.

I've witnessed this sort of rider error personally, so I believe that it would be wrong to assume that the hapless rider is a noob or inexperienced... he just made a bad mistake or, more accurately, he made a series of bad mistakes, errors in judgement and ill-advised reactions... OK, on balance not a very proficient rider!;)

This incident took place in the blink of an eye - witness the impassive expression on the face of the Corvette driver through out the event. Lucky for both of them that this didn't have a far worse outcome for either of them!!!:eek:
Picture #9 tells the whole story, Folks! He starts draggin' bits and pieces, freaks out and pulls the bike upright which takes him immediately off of his proper line through the turn and hands his fate over to the Laws of Physics. He fixates on his target at this exact moment because he's resigned to the inevitability that, now that he's been pushed outside of the apex of the curve, he is going to rearrange that beautiful 'Vette coming from the other direction and there's not a ****ed thing he can do about it. I'm certain that even if he had had the presence of mind to try to force a lowside, that he had enough time to pull it off before impacting.

I've witnessed this sort of rider error personally, so I believe that it would be wrong to assume that the hapless rider is a noob or inexperienced... he just made a bad mistake or, more accurately, he made a series of bad mistakes, errors in judgement and ill-advised reactions... OK, on balance not a very proficient rider!;)

This incident took place in the blink of an eye - witness the impassive expression on the face of the Corvette driver through out the event. Lucky for both of them that this didn't have a far worse outcome for either of them!!!:eek:

I beg to differ regarding the experience of this rider, getting spooked by the apparent peg grinding tells me he did not know what it is like when this happened (ABC of riding curves) obviously if his reaction was to reduce the lean angle which is in this instance the wrongest thing to do meant he never knew what to do in an apex or any position in a curve .and his instinct took over with the results we have seen freezing up and just plowing straight ahead in the obstacle .
had he done riding many curves in a safe environment and check all the possible way to regain his line from various situations arising near or at an apex he would not be in an hospital bed by now
when I learned to ride part of the learning process was to stay upright in different situation like riding over fallen debris from trucks (pipes, log etc), negociate curves in situation such as avoiding minor obstacles on the riding line rough and broken asphalt, loose gravel etc etc .I am not saying that what should be done with every potential riders through bike courses but some basics should be mandated .
Reckon it's getting to the stage where all new riders should be forced to do rider training. Dont matter if they are 17 year olds or middle agers returning after blah blah blah... They are doing all riders damage , stats being compiled indicating riding is inherenitly dangerous because of these unskilled riders. Governments pushed by Insurance company lobbyists will one day just drop the hammer and stop blokes riding bikes .
looks to me like he forgot how to apply his brakes, the brake light only came on in two or three of the photos.
Thats how quick it All goes pear shape not long the fool was to busy being a movies star the reality kicked in and so did eventullaly his reflexs, just shame(as other's have said) he did not look at where was wanting to go instead he looked at what wanted to avoid and hit it:(
That's a *****, may this be a good lesson to us all. Not only to be focused on where we are riding but to be watchful for the inexperienced riders that we all have been at some point. Just imagine if that Vet was another bike:eek:, it can also happen the other way around when the tin top comes over to our side of the road:mad: and we all know who comes off worse:mad::mad::mad:.
Safe roads Captains.......:cool:
that's a *****, may this be a good lesson to us all. Not only to be focused on where we are riding but to be watchful for the inexperienced riders that we all have been at some point. Just imagine if that vet was another bike:eek:, it can also happen the other way around when the tin top comes over to our side of the road:mad: And we all know who comes off worse:mad::mad::mad:.
Safe roads captains.......:cool:
so very true every word
Keith Code's "Survival Reaction No. 1" ...... stand 'er up and hit brakes. Invariably fatal!!

He gave us all a nice wave beforehand tho.......

Yes he did! I wonder if he could have rode that turn out? Without knowing his speed, Etc., it's hard to tell. He was really leaing low into it when he decided to stand it up and try to stop!

Why do you guys post this stuff. :eek: Now I will have night mares wondering if I should sell my bike! NOT! Hey, I like cheating death! But the older I get,,,,,.:rolleyes: