When i bought the X swore up and down would keep it stock. That didn't work out to well. Come on it is a 2500 cc motorcycle with same locked up horsepower as the present bikes. Am sure that in time a few keys will be made by the aftermarket company's to unlock the pony's. :whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling:

My point is it remains to be seen IF, and at what comparative expense, the 2500cc can/will produce more than a modified 2300cc. :whitstling: ;)
It's too bad Triumph won't do a dual switchable map ECM like the PCV. One map for road and another programmable map for track. We all know there is a Triumph spy reading this so whoever the poser owner spy is, please pass to your higher-ups.
My point is it remains to be seen IF, and at what comparative expense, the 2500cc can/will produce more than a modified 2300cc. :whitstling: ;)
You have a good point Steve this could always just be a bore stroke change and nothing to the head and cams persay that would change head production. And different or the same cam profile can be done also without major modifications. Id like to own one but alas I'll just spend all that cash riding around on my little rocket :D
It's too bad Triumph won't do a dual switchable map ECM like the PCV. One map for road and another programmable map for track. We all know there is a Triumph spy reading this so whoever the poser owner spy is, please pass to your higher-ups.
Isn't it supposed to have multiple rider modes? Just setting traction control will keep it from wheelieing. :thumbsdown: