Not to rub it in on you Northern guys but...

Made about 300 miles yesterday with a buddy. Even got to run the fat bottomed girl a little bit. Some young guy on a street glide just couldn't be talked out of trying to race :D:D. I love that $hit. I wonder if the thousands of dollars he pumped into his HD engine are still worth it?
Saturday morning was -12C, 10.4F, 12" of snow. My usual Saturday would be getting up early, washing my bike and taking off riding. This cold Saturday consisted of my wife bribing me to stay in bed and making it "worth my while" (cue cheesy **** music), so I took a different ride.:cool::eek::roll::x3::sleep:
Geez and I thought I had it hard standing in waist deep water while it was 29c luckily I was wearing my hat and long sleeve fishing shirt or I might have gotten burnt, all kidding aside I was having a ball last summer Ann and I got involved with "Sailability" it is a group of volunteers of various levels of sailing skills and we take handicapped and disabled people sailing (only the experienced sailors do this) while we oy need about 5 skippers to take them out the rest of us work as a shore party to get them in and out, the little boats are uncapsizeable as they have heavy centre board/keel witch must be lifted in waist deep water and due to my height and upper body strength that's my job we then bring the little( all of 9 feet long) boats to the sallow water and help them in and out so you can imagine there is need for a few helpers as a reward for our efforts after the kids a handicapped adults have all had a sail we get to have go with the experienced skipper so we to can become skippers. The reason I mention this is that this organised sailing charity group whilst started here in Auss is spreading all over the world so if you get a chance, get involved the smiles from the kids and adult alike are worth it
Hans...ever heard of a dock? Fairly new thing over here...keeps you from getting your feet wet and you don't need titanic upper body strength...just sayin' :p:p
the rest of us work as a shore party to get them in and out

I am translating this portion of his comment as "sit on the beach drinking until they come back", you can always fall off a dock drunk, but if you're in the water...nobody can tell, lol. Seriously though, good on ya, does sound rewarding all the way around.
Hans...ever heard of a dock? Fairly new thing over here...keeps you from getting your feet wet and you don't need titanic upper body strength...just sayin' :p:p
am a Cancerian and love the water so don't mind standing in. Waist deep water the previous comment was more rubbing how cold it is over there.
Yes we have heard of them and while it is a good thing we do not have floating one available and with the tides varying the water level a floating dock with enough stability to be able attach a lifting device is currently being designed by the committee and myself, unfortunately I am the only one equipped or able (there are a lot of woodies but not so much metal fab guys) to weld let alone weld Gal.
I have been busy repairing rust damaged trailers and building a new boat rack for one we will be starting on a pontoon soon hopefully but waiting on council approval to modify and repair an old disused jetty so we can attach the pontoon
I have been busy repairing rust damaged trailers and building a new boat rack for one we will be starting on a pontoon soon hopefully but waiting on council approval to modify and repair an old disused jetty so we can attach the pontoon
Hanso: This one's just for you.


am a Cancerian and love the water so don't mind standing in. Waist deep water the previous comment was more rubbing how cold it is over there.
Yes we have heard of them and while it is a good thing we do not have floating one available and with the tides varying the water level a floating dock with enough stability to be able attach a lifting device is currently being designed by the committee and myself, unfortunately I am the only one equipped or able (there are a lot of woodies but not so much metal fab guys) to weld let alone weld Gal.
I have been busy repairing rust damaged trailers and building a new boat rack for one we will be starting on a pontoon soon hopefully but waiting on council approval to modify and repair an old disused jetty so we can attach the pontoon
Waist deep??? we are walking on our water now.....oh ya, that's not a good thing, enjoy yur summer.
Waist deep??? we are walking on our water now.....oh ya, that's not a good thing, enjoy yur summer.
ah but thankfully we never walk on our water in fact with a wetsuit often go diving in our winter.... Ahh!!!.... to live in paradise :p:p:p