Not to rub it in on you Northern guys but...


We hadn't had any winter until you posted this thread. Only 3 days of thaw here since. 22F outside right now. So do something before we leave Wednesday!

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Yeah...shoulda kept my mouth shut. I rode to work this morning...27 F. Not all that pleasant, but I had to drop the bike off for a new rear tire before we head out to Florida. It probably would have made it fine, but I don't like to take chances with Nurse Ratchet on the back
Morris I am sending you some cold weather on sunday sorry Ken it will hit you first
I ride almost every day. I added a windshield because the mornings were just under 40F, highs around 72F. I have to bring two pairs of gloves. Winter in the morning and summer in the afternoon. Though all of you can laugh at me in the summer when I'm riding in 90F in the morning and 120F in the afternoon. At those temps, I have to wear a jacket to keep the blow-dryer-like wind from burning me.
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oops forgot lupe buddy I am sendiing you some snow
Yesterday on the way home, -22, with -35C windchill, I met a guy on the road driving an old army motorcycle with a sidecar, a true die-hard I suppose. And he had an open face helmet. Balaclava of course, but not a full face helmet.
Well I'll see your -22C and up you to -40C with a wind chill of -50C........ Some one turn on the heat!! Got any chinook breezes to send north?

Whaaa haaappened?????
Well, I rode mine to WalMart and back today; just a bit under 20 miles.

When I got back home, the temp was 44F, which is darn cold around here!

Predicting 45 degrees C here today , reckon it will be the hottest Brisbane day since recording began.. f#ckin hot up in Donnys' shed working on the camper trailer I can tell you that !!!
Wish I was home in Washington St. 51 degrees & Sunshine. I missed a ride day..