not again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

i dont abuse my rocket but i do use what is available , i shift at around 5500 rpm. Taking it to redline seems pointless and the torque curve drops off anyway. The engine is fine , the gearbox is not, trumpet made a superb bike but have cut corners in the transmission department , i know ,,lets build a super torquey motor that leaves everything for dead , and while we are at it lets make the gears out of chocolate ! Now i like the rocket , but i do not like the baggage it comes with , my last rocket tranny blew at 10000 kms , the warranty covered it but it was MIA for 5 weeks , 21000 euro bike shouldnt be having these issues . My current rocket is doing the same thing , this time no warrantee , so i am feeling a bit of a mug for taking a risk a buying another one. Clutches , camshafts, bearings , i can accept all this as fair wear and tear and replace repair accordingly , TRUMPET knows about this issue but didnt do a recall , SHODDY wankers. They rightly reckon that only 10 percent of rocket riders use the bikes performance the other ninety like to cruise about , cheaper to ignore the minority , thats the reality of business i suppose , but as a customer they can stick there policy up their ass and i shall vote with my feet buy carrying myself and my wallet to manufacturers that make machines that can be used without fear of mechanical doom, I will never purchase a triumph again, apply this customer aptitude and thats a 10 percent sales loss , wake up triumph ! Shortlist as follows , GTR1400 , ZZR1400 , BMW K1300GT . It would seem that TC is offended buy my choice of words regarding the rocket, you say 126000kms I am pleased for you, i wish you many more miles. also dont be sentimental about my comments ,at the end of the day it is a sum of its parts , a lump of metal , it is devoid of feeling and emotion, the rocket is not offended when i call it a peice of ****. I however, have a full range of emotions , like being very ****ed off when it breaks during normal use , which means it was made and designed incorrectly and is unfit for purpose. Sorry Chaps , but i will be loosing weight shortly, about 360 odd kilos to be sure, im off to Oldenburg for a test ride on a BMW k1300GT , please dont be offended but Triumph dont deserve the success they have and one day their will fall on their ass, GET this , Ted Simon rode around the world in the 70s on a bonneville, the book is called Jupiters Travels, its a super read and i recommend it to you,,,,Ted is now 70 odd year old , he wanted to do the trip again and write a follow up , he spoke to Triumph asking if he could use a bonneville , The marketing hype would have been huge , Triuph turned him down ,:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::eek::eek:,, so he went to BMW and was given a GS1200 and full back up , The head office at hinckley is full of accountants and bean counters, Lizards and Goats. Teds new book , dreaming of jupiter , is a real success and more people are buying a GS than a Tiger. I have a financial reason to leave trumpet and also a moral one , i have pulled the pin and im throwing smoke :thumbsup:

Not sure I'd buy a BMW if I was after reliability, I bought a GSA1200 in 2005, (did no real offroad riding) both front and rear shocks leaked, it often wouldn't start cause it didn't recognise the key, the gearbox rear seal blew (fortunately under warranty) cause the dealer said the bike has to be split in 2 to replace it, and a few other problems as well in 50,000 klms - Rocket has been trouble free for 38,000klms (apart from the dealer I bought it off butchering the wiring) - I agree I wouldn't be in a hurry to buy one if I had 2 gearbox failures.
Ted Simon actually rode a 500 Triumph not a Bonneville from memory . Really hope you have a trouble free run out of whatever it is you buy .. Honda, Kawasaki , BMW whatever. Like Canberra pointed out you took a punt on a bike someone else had ridden for nine years .. roll of the dice you'd have to agree.
I love my beast and wouldn't trade her for any other two wheeled fun seat out there! But I bought her brand new, ride her hard, but don't abuse her, and triumph has apparently known of the problem and done nothing about it!
If not for the great group of folks on this site, I'd have no idea what the problem was or what it is going to take to fix it.
That is a bad call on the company's part. Whether they were going to pay for it or not, they could have at least published an advisory on it.
Long story short, when I can afford it she'll get new 2d gear dog ears. Until then, I'll ride 2d gentle or short shift it. Unfortunately, having the black motor didn't prevent my issue :(
I'm still a triumph enthusiast, still own more than one! Doesn't mean I can't be frustrated about a company neglecting their responsibilities on this subject.
TC, my first rocket was a black motor and had the dogs issue , that was in 2006 and triumph was very aware then , it is still being an issue on much newer bikes. Triumph has neglected to recall , to me that sends a very clear message,, i have no customer obligation to be loyal to triumph, if triumph wants loyalty then they should build a bike that works or address and fix issues. For me i have had enough , its time to try something else. Great bike , crap gearbox. Crap customer care.
TC, my first rocket was a black motor and had the dogs issue , that was in 2006 and triumph was very aware then , it is still being an issue on much newer bikes. Triumph has neglected to recall , to me that sends a very clear message,, i have no customer obligation to be loyal to triumph, if triumph wants loyalty then they should build a bike that works or address and fix issues. For me i have had enough , its time to try something else. Great bike , crap gearbox. Crap customer care.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it .. there are lots of Owners on here have not had 2nd gear problem .. I've ridden my pretty hard and I haven't had the problem .. just bad luck that you've had a bad run. Like I said good luck with whatever you decide on to replace the mighty Rocket :thumbsup:
Like I said " I couldn't remember any black motors having second gear issues" obviously my memory is shot.. apologies.
No apologies necessary TC! Doesn't really matter which blocks were having the issues and certainly not your responsibility to keep track.
Personally just trying to express where/what my frustration is about. Trust me, I love my rocket as much as anyone! And I'm still an avid proponent of it to anyone I meet! This particular issue simply doesn't sit well for me personally (and obviously some of the others who have had to deal with it). I hope once it's resolved on mine, I can get the rest of the way to the mileage totals you have in as care free a manner as you've been blessed to have ;)
If they had issues then all of them or a range of vins would have it. I am on #4 and other than tires no issues... I put 20-30k miles on each year, ride them hard and maintain them myself... Two grey and two black motors... Maybe shift in the torque range and run them up in 5th to Redline if you want... I'm gonna say it... Maybe user error?