Is anybody having trouble with the LCD Gauge display not staying on a 2020 R3?

backlight issue? Are you sure it's off and not just very very dim because of a failed backlight?
All I know is that the screen looks exactly the same as when the bike is switched off. Completely black.
No problems with mine. The times I've had any electrical gremlins have all led back to loose battery terminal bolts. I flipped my mount upside down to raise the whole tft up. I liked that mod someone else had done and it puts the cluster up closer to see and shows off the upper tank mount better. But doing that eliminates the rotation feature/defect. I mean it doesn't move at all now.
My battery terminal connections are good and my battery is strong, so for now at least, I assume the problem is somewhere else.

Raising up the display sounds kinda interesting. Might be something I might do, as I don't do any swinging with my display unit anyway. (i'm a happily married man :whitstling: )
Have you got any photos you can post here?
So, today I just rode 165 miles and the display has worked fine.
The bike didn't run hot because I didn't get stuck in standing traffic and also the ambient temperature today was only about 22 Celsius.
I think it's got to be something to do with engine temperature, but what's actually causing the LCD screen to die, i'm no closer to finding out.
Following up on my LCD display issues........
I've had the bike in for it's annual service and I asked the Triumph dealership to take a look into the problem and explained what I had been experiencing.
The result is a big fat meh.....which is often the case when you have an intermittent electrical problem.
They wouldn't let me talk with the technician ( why are main dealers such a PITA ? :mad:) but said that they couldn't get the display to replicate the symptoms and it wasn't showing any error codes.
They did however say that if I could make a video of the screen dying they would pass it on to Triumph tech dept and try to escalate the problem to a higher level in the hope that something can be resolved.
So far the weather hasn't been hot enough to cause me a dead screen but i'll report more on here, as and when.

If anyone else has had a similar problem and fixed it please shout 👍
My battery terminal connections are good and my battery is strong, so for now at least, I assume the problem is somewhere else.

Raising up the display sounds kinda interesting. Might be something I might do, as I don't do any swinging with my display unit anyway. (i'm a happily married man :whitstling: )
Have you got any photos you can post here?
I have a few I'll post up. When you flip the mount, there is a small tab that has to be ground off the mount for it to work in the reverse. Then you can run the loom under or over the bars. I went over to clean up the tank mount area. It is hidden by the flyscreen and cowl anyway. You might have to go under the cowl and move things around for extra loom if you are short. Never had it move or come disconnected since March with very rough roads or aggressive riding.
I have a few I'll post up. When you flip the mount, there is a small tab that has to be ground off the mount for it to work in the reverse. Then you can run the loom under or over the bars. I went over to clean up the tank mount area. It is hidden by the flyscreen and cowl anyway. You might have to go under the cowl and move things around for extra loom if you are short. Never had it move or come disconnected since March with very rough roads or aggressive riding.
Thanks for the suggestion Stingray. I'll take a look into that.

Just out of curiosity, why did you flip your mount? What's the aim in doing so?
Thanks for the suggestion Stingray. I'll take a look into that.

Just out of curiosity, why did you flip your mount? What's the aim in doing so?
See post #1. Plus I like how it lifts it a little closer to see at speed and stays in line of sight. The mod also cleans up the tank strap area, giving more room easier to clean...
**** Update****
Not good news, i'm afraid.
Screen black out has happened again.....twice on the same day.
There is however, a pattern emerging.
It appears to be due to engine heat.
The first time it happened was at the DGR ride-out and it was a hot day combined with lots of slow riding due to all the hundreds of bikes taking part in the ride.
Yesterday was a similar hot day. The tar was wet and sticky on the road. The air was uncharacteristically warm for the UK. I set off on my ride in a relaxed kind of way with the occasional 'whoosh' here and there, but after about 15 minutes I encountered some stationery traffic going through a small village and I could really start to feel the heat coming from the engine. The traffic wasn't at a standstill for long and I got moving again I then began to notice the screen starting to flicker and get what looks like black lines running randomly across it. It goes on for about 30 seconds and then the screen went black. Same as last time.
The bike is running fine. The warning lights such as turn signal lights are working, but no LCD display, so no speedo/milometer or fuel gauge etc... which is a REAL pain. The police are keen here at the weekend and gas stations are few and far between in the hills round here.
I get to my lunch stop after another 40 minutes of riding and the screen is still dead. I leave the bike parked up for about an hour and it's in the shade.
I go to start her up and the screen is working fine, so I make a note of my fuel and I set off......all good again until about an hour into the ride and i'm riding slow through a village followed by a set of traffic lights and once more, I can start to feel the heat bleeding out on to my legs from the engine......then the screen dies on me again.

So.... It's got to be due to heat build up, but where is the weak link in the system?
Do the idiot lights at the sides of the LCD display have their own power supply or are they on the same circuit board as the LCD display?
The heat is much more apparent under the gas tank and out to the sides rather than where the display unit, so that's making me wonder if the problem component is not the display unit but the wiring loom under the tank??

Any thoughts?.
My display has done this a couple of times now and both times I have felt it was heat related as well. Mine faded first then got the black lines and eventually went black. Although I will say it was in the 90s f when it occurred albeit at freeway speeds. By the time I got it home and shut it off and turned it on again it was just a few lined on a black field. A couple of hours later it was back to normal. I am going to talk to my dealer on Tuesday. Let me know if you find out anything. Thanks.
no issues with my display, unit is well mounted and requires a bit of effort to move, its also lowest position close the tank. '23GT
at my dealership our service manager is a serious techie and I can talk with him whenever I need to, but generally not to the techs directly.
I record videos (if I remember) wherever problems are intermittent so the dealership has evidence and not just a customers interpretation of issue.
heat does sound likely to be the culprit, that said it gets hot in south africa, will ask the service manager if he's aware of similar reports.
hope it does not become terminal over time.
best wishes