New Shield Plastic - Any Recommendations?

I have not got mine yet but will post my two cents worth when I do. I am only adding a half inch to each side but was able to order the vent. I see someone said that the windshield had to be four inches to have the vent installed but nobody has told me that from the factory. I am six feet tall and weigh 205 lbs. I have the Triumph Gel Seat on mine. I am actually happy with the stock touring model windshield but maybe I will even like the Clearshield better. IF NOT I'LL GO BACK TO STOCK.

I got the new Clearshield I ordered today and installed it. I went for a ride on the freeway at 80mph and it worked great. I adjust the vent and have no air hitting my eyes at all. It came in the dimensions I ordered with the vent. Mine is only 1 inch taller than stock except it has the recurve and the vent it is also only one inch wider total than stock.
Suction cups maybe acted as a lens for the sun? Weight seems minimal and unlikely.
I appreciate the offer - but I actually have a (nearly) factory fresh tall screen for the R3T. I found that I had to look through it, rather than over it and I didn't care for that. Also - for the 1,000 miles I actually used it - I noticed a definite drop in fuel mileage - probably related to the increased frontal area. So I don't think that's the answer for me - although I am planning to go 2" taller than the stock 16 on whatever replacement I decide to get.

I like many things about my R3T but none more than the great wind and noise protection I get from the TALL stock windshield. I'm only 6'2" but I can see over the top of it. Whenever I get pis*sed off over sensor problems with this bike and think about selling it to buy an EVO the thing that stops me is that outstanding windshield.
I ordered a Clearview and added just one inch in height and one half an inch on each side to the width. I ordered the top to have the slight recurve as they say it raises the wind about two more inches. I also ordered the vent. I like the stock Triumph windshield but I wanted the vent and the recurve, I added the inch in height but I don't think I really needed it. It takes about a month or more to get it.

Camptc: I read your post with a "road Kind" fairing that will fit on the Touring and over the AUX/HWY lights . I was wondering if you could send some pics. And is there enough room for a GPS/ AM/FM short box Marine Clarion CMS5
Camptc: I read your post with a "road Kind" fairing that will fit on the Touring and over the AUX/HWY lights . I was wondering if you could send some pics. And is there enough room for a GPS/ AM/FM short box Marine Clarion CMS5

I didn't post anything about any fairing, you must mean someone else.
I have used Clearview several times with no problems.
They have recently changed their size policy and removed many customer length choices.
So I have just ordered and received a different brand that I've not yet mounted.
Tis a 7jurock and since their web site is confusing, below are the proper locations.

For the Roadster:
For the Touring:

I shall be completing my spring mods (which include the new shield) soon and will report back later.
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