stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
other than destroying something so its never able to be used when there are a dozen better ideas that not only cost 400% less but are also available ... this thread is fine, If you know you have a bad idea or just simply do NOT know or have past experience with or an applicable good idea... then the bad idea posts are asinine and while they have every right to post them, so do i, they have every right to be shot down as a bad idea usually is. Im not calling anyone out as bad... just the idea... these threads are great, these forums are awesome, but if any of these bad ideas are trolls or not, there is a duty to those who know better to say so. A for effort for everyone help and some times its a good chuckle, but my "friend" mr 4 fingers can attest to why a brute force attack with something that sparks or can make sparks is a deadly idea and should be shot down IMMEDIATELY. Some poor uneducated person might say.. just take a grinder to it and cut it off... then some other person might do that and literally be killed... so forgive me for calling out ideas that are truly terrible... the person might not know better but if they do not, they they should honestly not help unless that bad idea is reasurched by youtubeing fuel tank explodes from idiot with a die grinder.
this is also the internet and people have a hard time not taking things so serious!
Allow me to clarify first i did not say to take a die grinder and cut the gas tank apart i usually use an air grinder so sparks never entered my mind even on a tank that has been empty fo five years.
Now if you are so dumb that you take a 14 inch cutoff saw and try to take off a gas cap off instead of cutting the piece of plastic then you should get a qualified mechanic. And also if you cant understand the post or the way itis explained or even try
To find a way for someone to explain what they mean or clarify or post a better idea.
I have said many a time that i am not real good at explaining and to ask questions if you dont understand.
So if you don't understand my suggestion then sing out.