New owner of an 05 roadster w/ turbo

Great to hear!!!
Glad it's sorted! Seems like a fun bike.

Regarding boost, as you change elevation the boost pressure will remain the same if it's mechanically controlled (probably is). The mass of air will rise as you go down in elevation and the turbo speed to achieve the target boost level will decrease as a result.

Don't rely on the Autotune to keep a turbo-bike alive. In fact, I would completely disable the authority to lean the mixture and only give it enrichment authority from the baseline you already have, setting a target afr table with ~13:1 for anything 0-3500 and 12:1 from 3500-7000 as a quick safety measure with 10% authority on the Autotune. Paired with the ECUs barometric correction factor already used, it should be enough to keep it healthy across most elevation ranges.