New Oil Choice

Not the dreaded oil controversy again! Use factory recommended oil...period! 15W/50 1 4T synthetic.
Oh NO! Not the great oil debate again!
Not the dreaded oil controversy again! Use factory recommended oil...period! 15W/50 1 4T synthetic.
You absolutely can't go wrong there, BUT Triumph changes "factory recommended" according to their arrangement with distributors. For oil it used to be Castrol, then changed to Mobil one. With tires and the 2.5s it was Avon Cobras, but now the Metzlers are "recommended." Point is... don't get too caught up in that. No harm switching if the specs are right....
So since no one seems to make a top brand quality full synthetic 15W-50 4T motorcycle oil other than Amsoil apparently, I'm actually thinking about joining that cult. The youtubers pushing that stuff definitely seem a bit odd and are trying way too hard. The BMW Advantec Pro my dealer uses is semi-synthetic and when I do my next oil change I want to start using full synthetic. So what options are there that people here use?
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I use this:

BUT.. I have a 2010 Touring. Apparently for the new 2.5 Rockets they recommend a different weight.