@Boog that front definitely looks to be underinflated I found while Triumph recommended 36psi it was far to low 40 to 42psi is much better and it is a characteristic of the sh!t Metzler's to Cup I even had some uneven wear on other brands but never any Cupping, currently running a Dunlop Elite 3 in std size and is the first front tyre I have had on there that is wearing fairly even, handles great, grips well and seems to be wearing a lot longer, not sure if they are available for your touring but be worth checking out
Hi Phil, I'm using the 140 Dunlop up front and Max on the rear, a combination you used a while ago. What pressures do you think work best for these. I use 36 and 42. Maybe more up front? This is on a Classic, Cheers.
Hi Phil, I'm using the 140 Dunlop up front and Max on the rear, a combination you used a while ago. What pressures do you think work best for these. I use 36 and 42. Maybe more up front? This is on a Classic, Cheers.
Hey, Scorp. Well, that's a tough one to answer 'coz I'm uncertain of the type of Dunnie you are running (bias ply/radial) and know nothing of their stated load maximums or recommended max pressure, however, if it is, let's say, an Elite radial, I would think that 36 psi would be at the lower end of the safe or ideal range and 42 lbs would be at the upper range.
I run my tires at the higher end of what I call the ideal range so about 40-41 lbs on the rear Max and 39-40 lbs up front. I'm about 200 lbs in full gear and almost always riding one-up. Remember, too, that I ran the Michelin Commander II 140/75 17 up front, not a Dunlop!
For what its worth -
The only Dunlop I find in 140/75R17 is the American Elite radial and it's recommended max load pressure is 42 psi. BTW - the American Elite is a made for Harley tire.
I currently run a 140 and have already run through a couple up front. I personally prefer the Avon Cobra or Michelin Commander II and I run 40psi.
While running the exedra max and the Michelin commander ,I had 45psi in the rear and 43psi in the front and my weight 112 kilograms .the combo was good up to about 130 kph ,above that speed not to good