@peter k
You have me thinking about bumping up a tad from the 42 rear and 40 front I normally use, as I be 125 kgs.
When I had the Mich' Commander II on I found like PeterK that 42 - 43 psi worked best
@peter k
You have me thinking about bumping up a tad from the 42 rear and 40 front I normally use, as I be 125 kgs.[/QUOTE
Steve not long ago I was nudging 130 kg,s and big marty was quite a bit bigger and he told me he used those tyre pressures and used to get incredible mileage out of his metzlers
I am a complete convert to the Avon Cobras on my Touring. I will never forget the first time I switched over from the Metz 880's to the Cobras. I felt like Valentino Rossi! Immediately I picked up several degrees of highly stable and controllable lean angle. The ride was seriously improved; it felt like the tires had become an active partner of the suspension; harshness decreased and stability increased - and markedly so.

As for "skittishness" in the rain; I haven't noticed this. Down here in Fla. we've been known to have some pretty significant rain pop up and my Cobras have handled this rain with aplomb. Of course, I recognize the power differential between my Touring and a standard R3, so this might not translate over very well.

I have 6K on my current set and they're not showing much, if any, wear. Should be good for at least 10K.

I run 40/40 cold.

All things considered - I think the Cobras are the absolute BEST tires you can run on the Touring.