Hi Bill
2016 Thruxton T120 (VIN# 743684 onwards)
I don't know if it can unlock a Bonneville/Thruxton for remapping as i haven't done one. But probably.
In my experience these days the ECUs are likely blank i.e. no map when shipped out of Triumph, and locked.
You can hook up to the bike and run tests like fan and ISCV reset etc but can't run the bike or load a map.
If you try to load a map you get that fault code and a flashing EMS light. And use up 1 of your 3 goes.
So my understanding is, you hook your bike up to your computer with the Triumph diagnostics kit, and you can unlock the new ECU to be mapped for the first time.
Triumph has a few factory maps ready for loading, e.g. UK market map, EU market map, TORS, etc.
It won't recognise a TuneECU or Tuneboy map though.
It won't allow you to edit a map e.g. fuel tables etc. So it's a map loader but not editor.
Wonder could I get my mitts on the map editing software Triumph use
If it'll allow you to unlock a new ECU to be remapped, then maybe that's the same thing as unlocking a mapped ECU from a running bike to be remapped (by TuneECU or whatever map editor program).
I'd wager it does.
Anyway - I'd have to send you the kit as you need a bike to plug it into i.e. it plugs into the OBD port on the wiring harness, not directly to the ECU (so you couldn't ship me the ECU as I don't have a Bonneville or Thruxton lying around to sub it into).