Got ringside tickets to Total Carnage III so ill be taking him to that on the 9th of march to see Nathan Carnage Corbet win his tenth muey thai world title he will like that
Mitch, won't be the same without you but understand entirely. Sounds like a blast. Make sure your brother knows there's a whole community here that will be rooting for him.
I will not be attending the Nabiac get together unfortunatly.
I will be using the opertunity to spend time with my brother who is terminally ill with stomach Cancer as i dont know if he will be around by the following easter.
appologies to all but family first.
Yea Mitch what the others said mate thinking about you,your brother and families.
The ride I went on last weekend will be a 52 year old close mates last ride. Very sad he has a son 23 went to school with my son and a daughter 19 same as my girl. Makes you think, I did alot of thinkin on the weekend, thought about Binnsy, thought about my mate, his kids,his mum and dad, I'm still thinkin.
Yea Mitch what the others said mate thinking about you,your brother and families.
The ride I went on last weekend will be a 52 year old close mates last ride. Very sad he has a son 23 went to school with my son and a daughter 19 same as my girl. Makes you think, I did alot of thinkin on the weekend, thought about Binnsy, thought about my mate, his kids,his mum and dad, I'm still thinkin.
Sorry to here about your brother mitch, i,ve got a mate who has just found out he has bowel cancer so my thought's are with your brother and his family please pass on my best.