Nabiac Accommodation ?

Al, that place you checked out sounded good but at around $600 accom for the w'end I reckon is going to be too expensive. You're right, no one said so directly and I'm sorry I didn't say that at the time. I thought the purpose of the thread was for a couple of options to be put up until there seemed sufficient interest in one place or another. I don't have a stake in which place we stay; just as long as we're all together. Krambach was mentioned as a town close to Nabiac. I found a place there that would be much less expensive with the advantage that we'd have the place to ourselves. Was never the intention that I (or anyone else) would say I'd found a place and this is it. There's been a bit of discussion and not too hard to follow since you posted details of Big 4 Park.

If we are staying at Krambach, no one needs to make individual booking as we'll have the joint all for us. We'll just need to know who's coming and sort out the cost and details, catering, etc based on numbers.
Al, that place you checked out sounded good but at around $600 accom for the w'end I reckon is going to be too expensive. You're right, no one said so directly and I'm sorry I didn't say that at the time. I thought the purpose of the thread was for a couple of options to be put up until there seemed sufficient interest in one place or another. I don't have a stake in which place we stay; just as long as we're all together. Krambach was mentioned as a town close to Nabiac. I found a place there that would be much less expensive with the advantage that we'd have the place to ourselves. Was never the intention that I (or anyone else) would say I'd found a place and this is it. There's been a bit of discussion and not too hard to follow since you posted details of Big 4 Park.

If we are staying at Krambach, no one needs to make individual booking as we'll have the joint all for us. We'll just need to know who's coming and sort out the cost and details, catering, etc based on numbers.

We will stay there :cool: ok settled next subjet Catering counter meal . Next subject................................................ ill sleep in a ****en tree if i have to :rolleyes: i just wanna jump on my bike and ride have a beer a yarn and roll out the swag . Dont need makeup crews or room service . last time i checked i had a set of nuts and i wasnt carrying a handbag . Dont any of u guys ever just jump on ya bikes and take off and wing it? those weekends always kick arse over the ones that are over done IMO . end of rant anyway im just going with the flow . Anyone offended by my comments bad ****en luck . Not directed at your post Richard just another Evil Mitch outburst :D
can somebody just tell me what the f*k is Apache Reserserve or what and where in Krambachs and I supposed to be booking accommodation.

Just a thought ( or thinking out loud as they say) if we have a thread on a particular subject can we please just stick to it and not go off on a tangent about other stuff. It seems to take forever to sort anything out or to make arrangements for anything because of that.

I made a phone call to the Big 4 park that was originally suggested and posted info but didn't get much of a response. I would much prefer for people to, at the very least, post a reply that says 'no piss off too expensive or don't like it ..lets try this'.

Can we just focus and get something sorted before all the Sydney Easter bunnies book everything. As I said in a previous post I know the Gloucester area quite well and think it is a good choice but for fcuks sake give me some details that are not cryptic so I can book.

Like i said read the posts .. if you would have read them you would have known where we were referring to mate .... tangents :D this place is the mother of tangents , personally i love the way sh!t just get spun around here. To each there own i guess.
We will stay there :cool: ok settled next subjet Catering counter meal . Next subject................................................ ill sleep in a ****en tree if i have to :rolleyes: i just wanna jump on my bike and ride have a beer a yarn and roll out the swag . Dont need makeup crews or room service . last time i checked i had a set of nuts and i wasnt carrying a handbag . Dont any of u guys ever just jump on ya bikes and take off and wing it? those weekends always kick arse over the ones that are over done IMO . end of rant anyway im just going with the flow . Anyone offended by my comments bad ****en luck . Not directed at your post Richard just another Evil Mitch outburst :D

He Tarzan :roll:sorry Mitch !!
OK, I ring tonight and confirm booking for 3 nights (with some people maybe staying 4?), unless there's a violent objection. I'll also get some more info on the place. We can sort out details of who sleeps where and what we do once that's done. Any problems anyone? I've found the post and had a look. Like the idea of it being exclusive, I usually like 'creature comforts' especially as my snoring after consuming a few Wild Turkeys has been compared to Krakatoa erupting!! but what the hell I'll borrow a swag and see what happens.
If I wake up in my swag floating down the river on an old wooden door I'll know I kept someone awake.
So Richard count me in but not sure if I will convince Fran to share the swag!
That's great Al. I am looking into what creature comforts can be provided for the girls so let's just se how it pans out. Watch this space.
Blokes in grass skirts and bras...You're a worry big fella... Fran will be able to share the cabins with the rest of the girls mate. Sure they will all make the best of being away from us blokes if H/Bay was anything to go by. Hiding in the undergrowth swapping cigarettes for wine ..sneaky buggers :p