My click click starter saga

1. New Battery
2. New ignition switch
3. New starter relay
4. New starter solenoid rebuild
4. Duel battery cables
5. New spade connectors at the starter relay AND at the starter solenoid
6. Cleaned starter button
7. Cleaned clutch switch
8. Cleaned side stand switch
9. New trigger wire from the starter relay to the starter solenoid
10. New Toyota starter, not just the motor but the entire
starter except for the traded nose cone.
Today at the hardware store the FU***** thing clicked at least 15 times before it started.

I installed a 20 amp waterproof toggle running a wire from the battery to the toggle to the starter solenoid
bypassing EVERYTHING. BAM fires every time now....100%. The mystery is why it fails as designed. I do know
at this point I just don't care anymore.

I mounted the switch in the OEM power port that the original owner was nice enough to add so the toggle looks factory.

Toggle location.


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You know....people ride these bikes for years and ride them until the wheels fall off and NEVER have a start problem, then there's mine.

One thing I'm happy about is now it'll start.
I had an intermittent starting problem for ages, I eventually solved it by fitting a kit in the starter motor, has been fine ever since.

The fact that your bike starts on your auxiliary switch indicates (maybe) a wiring issue ? Who knows !
I'm thinking overall the things I've done were in a way good preventative maintenance on a 15 year old bike.

I am going to start the bike the normal way and if I get the click then it's the toggle. I have a protective cover
on the way for the toggle, I think that's a good idea.

I am glad I installed the Toyo starter, significant upgrade over the OEM starter.

I now know all switches are clean, connections are new and tight, overall I didn't waste my time and money I have added reliability and I
sure learned a lot about this motorcycle.
Added a protective cover, sure as **** some little four year old bugger picker would walk up and flip the switch. It's a direct connection so the key doesn't need to be in to turn it over, it needs the key to start though. Also road debris that we've all been hit by might contact it also, weird shat happens.


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Went for a ride today, bike fired right up cold in the garage, needed the remote toggle at gas, after lunch, after ice cream and after gas again. Glad to have the permanent fix, wish I had done it a long time ago because it fires with just a bump of the toggle switch.
Went for a ride today, bike fired right up cold in the garage, needed the remote toggle at gas, after lunch, after ice cream and after gas again. Glad to have the permanent fix, wish I had done it a long time ago because it fires with just a bump of the toggle switch.

That is nice to see u can override your problem. After a while u will want to fix it or cuiousosity will get to you and that connection at toggle switch would be a good place to have a volt meter to check.