Me, I always run the 87 octane.
Mine literally HATES ethenol.
Will spit and sputter and try to cough that crap out instead of running on it.
I know they're flex fuel vehicles,
as long as the flex fuel doesn't contain ethanol,
mine is a champ.
Want to really piss her off just drop some of that corn crap in her tank.
Runs like a harley then. :wink:
With all the torque these things put out, you would think Triumph might consider coming out with a six-speed tranny. That should improve fuel economy significantly.
I read on one of the threads a year or two ago about there being "room
in the tranny for a 6th gear.
Not sure if thats true or not, as I haven't ever tore mine down.
If it is true,
I wonder why on our mechanical genisus' hasn't dropped one in.
Oh yea,
our mechanical gurus want more speed, not better cruising.
Still, it looks like Triumph would do that in an "upgrade" if it was possible.
Anybody ever tore the tranny down?
Is there room and what would it take to make it a six speed?
First full tank fill-up since buying the bike. Got just shy of 39 MPG. Most (90%+) of the tank was on highway and running between 60 and 65 MPH. Light came on at 150 miles, but there was still over two gallons left in the tank. Is this normal? Weather up here is still pretty cool - mid 50's to low 60's, so I'm thinking that when it warms up, I might pull over 40 MPG. Higher (+5") windshield should be here in a couple days. Hope that helps too.
What kind of a boney-assed featherweight-built guy are you, xguidojr? How many trucks were you drafting behind? Today the wind where I'm at is blowing a steady 30 mph with gusts to 45 and I can't get 39 mpg running with it. 39mpg before the motor has even been properly broken in and the rings properly sealed? Imperial gallons or some other alien measurement of volume? All downhill route? Hanging on to the tailgate of a passing pickup?

I might be a little envious. I just hate having to go on a diet. Again.
Sorry - I'm 6'2" and 320#. Hardly a "boney-ass featherweight". The bike is an '07 with a little over 6,000 miles on it. These are genuine US gallons, and the tank was filled to the top. I was surprised also, so will keep track of fuel economy for future fill-ups.