Mounting an Exedra Max rear tire on the new 3R = Better Handling

I hear rumblings of a metz cruisertec coming. But I would sell a kidney for a Michelin road 6 setup on the rocket lol
So... if Avon is no longer making the tire, then what is Triumph putting on the R3? Seems weird that a tire would just be discontinued for an in-production model. I guess that's where Metzler comes in? Gah...

I'll run a Cruisertec over an Exedra if I have to choose, but I'd actually prefer to keep using Cobra Chromes. As for Michelin Pilot Road - "shut up and take my money", but not holding my breath.
I’m trying different options on the front. I don’t like Avons. They’ve always worn unevenly. Currently running my second Shinto and, although it’s the least expensive option, I happy with it. I’ve settled with Dunlop American Elites for my Roadster, but they’re suddenly pricey. I go through three sets if tires/year so cost factors in if it’s a huge difference. Cost aside, I think you’ll find the Exedra to be a superior tire. Let us know what you think. As far as I know, you’re the only other person with one mounted.
Holy moly that’s a lot of tires. I got about 8k miles out of my chromes. Was pretty happy with that. I didn’t mind them as a tire, although I think they were pretty **** in the wet. Excited to try out this exedra. Now it just needs to warm up here to start riding season.
Cool I’m just curious to see how it looks. I still have a lot of life left on my stock tires but I have the same rear tire sitting in my garage waiting.


here is the exedra mounted. Fills that space even better than the chrome. You do have to adjust the angle of the inner most mudguard but pretty simple with some spacers and a makeshift bracket. If I fall in love with the new tire, I may try to figure out a slightly more sophisticated mod to accommodate the added height.
define "a make shift bracket" the tire does look nice in there
define "a make shift bracket" the tire does look nice in there
thin strip of metal with 2 holes to create an offset for the mount. i may head try to just make some angled spacers from nylon to see if that could work too. there's 3 bolts for the mudguard. the one furthest down the swing arm doesn't need a spacer and would act as the pivot. adding an angled spacer to the other 2 in theory should re angle the mudguard to clear the larger tire. ill report back if i figure something out, but for now this solution that @Journeyman28778 suggested works great.
I made a wee bracket from Galv flat tin. Drilled two holes about an inch apart and bolted the hugger to it then using the lower hole bolted it to the bike. (Right side of bike) I then packed the left side up and bolted it down then just bolted the middle hole back where it was. It lifted the hugger up and away from the wheel so that the gap is 45mm now.( about 1.77 inches). By fitting the B E Max, being a 55 profile, it is 12mm (about 1/2 an inch) bigger in diameter than the 50 profile as already discussed. I have about 1500 kms left on my Avon so will be fitting the B E Max soon.
Having already used the B E Max on two previous Rockets i feel confident that they will serve me well.
Yup. Exactly what I did as well. But want to experiment with using some angled spacers.