Metzler Tire Prices!!!!

I've found J&P to be on then high side with about everything they sell.
Oh yeah, gman!

Grab this tire, new from B'stone as of last May: Bridgestone Exedra Max Radial Rear Tire - Chaparral Motorsports

It is made with a new, longer-lasting compound made specifically for large cruisers. I'd estimate with proper use and maintenance at least a 10-12,000 mile range on your Tourer and I can tell you from several thousand miles of personal experience with the one mounted on my Standard, that it outperforms the Metz in all regards.

Thanks for the info I'll check them out...
I paid $425 for a Bridgestone

Me too $425 included balancing and I took the rear wheel out and delivered it .. cheeky bastards added another $15 because they said it took 2 to fit it on the rim..

But I had picked up one of those fluro tell tale cords you fit to the Disk lock as I picked it up to leave he said Ahh!! I'll give you that, I didn't charge it... Prick.
Bridgestone must be adding gold dust and diamond chips to the compound of those Exedra Maxes being sold in OZ!!!