Metzler Tire Prices!!!!

Since I am looking at the rear only presently, I found the three tire dealers listed in this site's Propwand FAQ have the best prices so far, AMT-177.58, Ron Ayers-176.00 and MDS-169.55. Does not include shipping, which varies, but still is well below Dennis Kirk and J&P.

I've found J&P to be on then high side with about everything they sell. :cool:
Oh yeah, gman!

Grab this tire, new from B'stone as of last May: Bridgestone Exedra Max Radial Rear Tire - Chaparral Motorsports

It is made with a new, longer-lasting compound made specifically for large cruisers. I'd estimate with proper use and maintenance at least a 10-12,000 mile range on your Tourer and I can tell you from several thousand miles of personal experience with the one mounted on my Standard, that it outperforms the Metz in all regards.:cool:
Oh yeah, gman!

Grab this tire, new from B'stone as of last May: Bridgestone Exedra Max Radial Rear Tire - Chaparral Motorsports

It is made with a new, longer-lasting compound made specifically for large cruisers. I'd estimate with proper use and maintenance at least a 10-12,000 mile range on your Tourer and I can tell you from several thousand miles of personal experience with the one mounted on my Standard, that it outperforms the Metz in all regards.:cool:

Thanks for the info I'll check them out...
I paid $425 for a Bridgestone

Me too $425 included balancing and I took the rear wheel out and delivered it .. cheeky bastards added another $15 because they said it took 2 to fit it on the rim..:mad:

But I had picked up one of those fluro tell tale cords you fit to the Disk lock as I picked it up to leave he said Ahh!! I'll give you that, I didn't charge it...:D Prick.
Bridgestone must be adding gold dust and diamond chips to the compound of those Exedra Maxes being sold in OZ!!!:eek: