Did I die and go to the .com site? maybe we should interject some political religious crap to this thread. I mean after all if we have not figured out that Carpenter changes all the related bits to the cam/valve train and the fact that Nev will do it also but has some softer cams that you will not need to change the springs if you do not want to we will never get on to adding knowledge to this thread. I hate how this thread seems to have played two great engine builders against each other when in fact they are both good and see somethings differently. I would let either one work on my stuff and value the knowledge both let us have. I suspect people do not realize you might loose a little bit of power the harder you tie the bike down on a dyno as you flatten the tire. Likewise the lighter you strap the bike down on the dyno the easier it is to spin the rear tire. I do remember when Ross's bike went on the dyno at Daytona it would do such a burn out that the hp would drop straight down. Then when the bike hooked back up it would climb straight up or all most straight up.
Below is one of the graphs of Ross's bike note this was in Florida and we had a great time. its the first time I ever watch a bike do a burn out on the spool after running it was a 4 th gear pull. My point here is this could be one of the reasons why you see a graph from Bob Carpenter starting out so much higher on in the rpm band. just because of wheel spin. Nev has run dynos for years and all though he said he was done with this thread as he is tired of stumbling over the dead horse. He might be able to confirm that there might be some reading differences depending on how much you strap the bike down. Just like there would be some differences on a worn spool.
here is a couple more on the same dyno shoot out
above is steady roll on wide open 4th gear
all done the same dyno during the same shoot out no tuning just to show it really depends on how things hook up.
Now I wish this chart had a torque graph but hey it was a dyno shoot out and this is what the guy gave Ross. and I laid it on the asphalt and took the picture with my camera.
Now I also submit I have had different power set ups but never a 240 hp NA motor. I did have the blower kit first and Ross was the only guy that could catch up to me quickly on the interstate. I can not say his high rpm motor would beat mine but I can say he caught up so quickly that if I did not have the jump on him and it was equal from a roll on I would be worried and at the least have to work really hard to com out ahead of him. That being said with equal HP I suspect he would have me in a race because of the rpm ability in each gear that I did not have.
This is just my honest opinion as I do like the in your face blower which is why I mixed the best of both kits together. Something else I have noticed since I have merged the kits that some of you either might not realize or might not want to admit except for Ruzzle. If you have the rpm ability you will soon be using it whether you need it or not maybe not in the twisties but when you come out of a curve behind the guy who passed you and can roll boost on to 8500 rpm you will eat them up with a big smile on your face. In fact if your like me you might go in a little slower so as to give them confidence before you smack their dicks so hard they go limp with shame.
I also experienced this on the drag strip since again my experience in drag racing is low to non existing. I love when they get off the line first especially when I am blowing by them before half track. Nothing like taking their fun away whether its after they leave the line or when the come up on you at 100 mph. anyway I am out of this thread like Nev the horse has been beat so hard for so long it just ***en stinks of dead meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!