Ok regarding post #193, we were comparing the wrong graph to today so throw all that dip changes out. The below graph was from today, I'm posting it to demonstrate the limitation we ran into. If you look in the yellow circle, you'll see a very abnormal dip, that's an ignition miss.
What was happening is when the bike was heat-soaked, it wouldn't miss at all and would max out at 254/188, and still not be at the plateau expected at peak HP by 8000. When we let it sit to bring coolant temps down to 90-92, as is typical when checking final power figures, it would randomly ignition miss somewhere in the pull, 2,3,4 times, non-repeating RPMs, could be 3800, could be 7000. We tried 3 or 4 times, every time the bike made 256/188, but every time misses moved. Then without restarting after it had heat soaked, we'd do a pull and come up with 254/188 with no misses anywhere... strange right?
Well, Nels is highly confident what's happening is one of the coils isn't able to fully light a spark when the bike isnt totally heat soaked. Hotter chamber = easier to light, so the spark power is enough, but, when cool it simply doesn't have the power to fire it off properly. Makes sense because, if the crank trigger was causing the missing, the WinPEP7 software wouldn't be able to plot the power (it does), if it were a cylinder preigniting/detonating the AFR would wildly swing as a result (it doesn't), and if it were a timing table error it should show up consistently at the same RPM (it doesn't). So, next upgrade is going to be MORE SPARK
The only other vehicle he's seen do this is LS1/LS2 based high strung NA builds, similar ignition system, similar failure, solution with MSD ignition box to give a lot more spark energy. Bad PC-V.
Trace out the HP line and you'll see it clearly wants to make around 260-265 at 8200 or so, just couldn't get there today, red is today, blue was previous build:
Yellow Circles = miss
Red Circle = Nels backing off throttle a bit
This chart of today alone really shows the top end taking off at 7300 on power and they ending before peaking:
The bike makes more torque everywhere below 4,000 (though it's not reflected on this particular pull) and a TON more under 2,500 than before.
EDIT: Removed incorrect info.
On the search now to solve
coil power and get big spark into the chamber my bad PC-V.