At post # 255 Phil posted a dyno chart showing 227hp from 119 stock, that is an increase of 108hp with "cams only"
At post # 271 I compared that "cams only" chart to one of a carpenter 210 kit cams, valves, headwork, & Brute exhaust 215hp up from 119 stock only 96hp increase.
So if the truth is being told here, Do Not bother paying for Carpenters famous headwork/valves etc as this will give you LESS power than "cams alone" according to their own dyno charts
Yes Art I know you have said (Many many times) you have got as much as 227 from the 210 kit with brutes
So how come the very best from full 210 kit can only just equal the supposed "cams only" you are bragging about.