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:confused: Uhhhh... that voice of his and not distinguishing the good from the bad and ugly in policing, might set race relations back some in parts of America.:confused: He's brave to put it up, though, because it will undoubtedly create a lot of flack.
:confused: Uhhhh... that voice of his and not distinguishing the good from the bad and ugly in policing, might set race relations back some in parts of America.:confused: He's brave to put it up, though, because it will undoubtedly create a lot of flack.
JUST another RACIST trouble maker
You must have some kind of comprehension issue, Art.
Are you trying to drive business away?
Not one word I wrote inferred that I was considering anything but Carpenter!
You really should re-read ALL your responses in this thread and then reconsider your attitude because it is harming the Carpenter business.
Get off your high horse and get over yourself because this discussion is NOT about you, but rather about the fine Carpenter product, to which you are doing harm.
that's what I was trying to say
What's the problem today, Art?

Don't play cute with me by changing the subject of my challenge to validate what you state as fact. So, how does what I think about police or what you think about what blacks should be worrying about qualify Mr. Jackson as a "racist trouble maker"?

BTW, I don't think Neville Lush's pricing is just a bunch of poo. If you ask him what his prices are, I'll bet that he'll be happy to comply.
What's the problem today, Art?

Don't play cute with me by changing the subject of my challenge to validate what you state as fact. So, how does what I think about police or what you think about what blacks should be worrying about qualify Mr. Jackson as a "racist trouble maker"?

BTW, I don't think Neville Lush's pricing is just a bunch of poo. If you ask him what his prices are, I'll bet that he'll be happy to comply.
YOU asked the question I dont care what his prices are AND I dont think the cops are out to kill Blacks as MR JACKSON says But thats my opinion you might disagree and thats ok
Jackson is a rich man that maintains a "poor me, whitey hates me because I'm black" attitude even though the odds of success are clearly tipped in his favor!
He has spoken out a number of times like this in the past. I use to enjoy his movie roles, but since he has chosen to use his notoriety to lightning rod issues that I strongly disagree with I choose NOT to patronize any of his movies or advertised products. It's all I can do unless afforded an opportunity to tell him to his face.
I fail to see what Jackson's economic status has to do with his speaking out on social issues, particularly about one that undoubtedly affects him more than it does you and me, Steve/Art, unless, that is, it's his fame, wealth or success that certain people resent. Also, I've never seen him adopt the stance you describe as a poor or woe is me attitude. Why shouldn't he be entitled to utilize his First amendment right notwithstanding his fame or the size of his bank account.
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