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No reason to get your back up, Hanso. More straight talk is always most desirable to me, but in a thread such as this, one that's so corrupted by ego, grade school pettiness and misrepresentation, I ain't holdin' my breath. - not with much of this crowd, anywho.:rolleyes:

My questions were genuine and asked without an agenda, unlike much of what's fueling this fencing match behind the scenes. I've said it before and I'll say it again, anyone should do what they want to their motorcycle. As far as comparing schvantzes goes, only the measuring tape (objective data) tells the truth and the truth is available for those that truly want it!
TP, your history - on both sites - clearly shows that straight talk is not desirable to you. Your questions were not without agenda, unless you are actually desiring to buy something from Mr Lush, which I very much doubt from the way you are always right behind your very good friend IFT.
Who are you trying to kid, Ian, one of our all-time champeen pot-stirrers? Show me one example of my purposely trying to mislead anybody to any degree. I'm human, so I do make mistakes once in a while and whenever I do, online or otherwise I acknowledge them and, when or where appropriate, apologize for them. You??? Not even close!:p It all to often seems that the rightest thing about you is your screen name idon'tknow.

You might want to go peddle your poo elsewhere, coz' it's not going to play with anyone that either knows me or the truth.

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ME TOO feel the same about you BYE

Thinking I shall write a letter to Mr. Carpenter . . . as I would like to do business with him.
However, I want NOTHING to do with you!
I simply wish to know if this is possible and NO response from you is necessary!
Thinking I shall write a letter to Mr. Carpenter . . . as I would like to do business with him.
However, I want NOTHING to do with you!
I simply wish to know if this is possible and NO response from you is necessary!

Thinking I shall write a letter to Mr. Carpenter . . . as I would like to do business with him.
However, I want NOTHING to do with you!
I simply wish to know if this is possible and NO response from you is necessary!
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