Lets see your rides.....

Only have two at the moment. I've had the one since 1976, the other since 2009.
500 Kaw JPG (2).jpg

My first bike was an kawasaki 250 mach 1, I love this bike!!
Love that Bonnie!!!

Thank you!! I do really enjoy having these two bikes on the opposite end of the spectrum. Makes the ride experience VERY different when you switch up. Also, my "little" Bonnie will never leave my stable as she has been around the world with me. I was stationed in England during the Bonneville 50th anniversary in '09. They had a weekend long party and lined up Bonnies from '59 to '09 so people could walk the 50 years. I was lucky enough to have my '06 selected for that line up...that "little" Bonnie would have a story or two to tell...if she could speak;)

Here she is in the 50th line up:

By Sunday I couldn't stand around and look at parked bikes anymore! So some good friends from Birmingham took me on my voyage to mecca:
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Love that KH triple Rocket Scientist . Did you buy it like or restore it ? :thumbsup:

It's kind of a long winded story, but here goes. In about 1972, I got a Kawasaki 175 dirt bike. Eventually went to the dealer for parts and saw this 69' H1 sitting in the back. I Was only 14 at the time. As time passed and I got my license. I inquired about Kaw and was told by the dealer (who was by now kind of a family friend) that he was going to fix it. In the meantime I bought a 1970 model and forgot about the 69'. In 1975 the dealership moved to a new building. I was looking for snowmobile parts and was taken upstairs by the owners brother and co-owner. There was the 69' again ! I asked the brother about it and he agreed to sell it to me. We went downstairs to get the title and his brother asked what he was looking for. He told them the title for the 69' Kaw. Again his brother said it wasn't for sale, he was going to fix it. The following year, I'm at the dealership again. It's just me and the owner. I said "come on George, your never going to fix that thing". He agreed to sell it to me if I also bought another 69' rag with a blown transmission that had been made into a chopper. I bought them both for $300.00. The good one had 7,000 miles on it. It ran, it was just down on power. After much f_cking around I determined the crank had slipped, and the center and right cylinders were running almost together. I took the crank out of the chopper and put it in the good one. Rode the bike until 1981. Mostly to the local dragstrip. Had a whole box of trophy's I threw away years ago, that I wish I would have kept :(. In 1982 I bought a brand new Honda V45 Magna, and took the Kaw off the road. After that, I had the dealer I bought it from, take the original crank apart. He found the factory had neglected to put in the locating pin. He dialed it back in and pinned it. Had the cylinders freshened up at the same time. About 8 years ago, I had some of the chrome redone that had been dulled by improper cleaning practices. The pic I posted is how it looks now. It's currently drained of fuel and oiled for storage. I plan the plate it in 2019 and ride it for it's 50th birthday !
It's kind of a long winded story, but here goes. In about 1972, I got a Kawasaki 175 dirt bike. Eventually went to the dealer for parts and saw this 69' H1 sitting in the back. I Was only 14 at the time. As time passed and I got my license. I inquired about Kaw and was told by the dealer (who was by now kind of a family friend) that he was going to fix it. In the meantime I bought a 1970 model and forgot about the 69'. In 1975 the dealership moved to a new building. I was looking for snowmobile parts and was taken upstairs by the owners brother and co-owner. There was the 69' again ! I asked the brother about it and he agreed to sell it to me. We went downstairs to get the title and his brother asked what he was looking for. He told them the title for the 69' Kaw. Again his brother said it wasn't for sale, he was going to fix it. The following year, I'm at the dealership again. It's just me and the owner. I said "come on George, your never going to fix that thing". He agreed to sell it to me if I also bought another 69' rag with a blown transmission that had been made into a chopper. I bought them both for $300.00. The good one had 7,000 miles on it. It ran, it was just down on power. After much f_cking around I determined the crank had slipped, and the center and right cylinders were running almost together. I took the crank out of the chopper and put it in the good one. Rode the bike until 1981. Mostly to the local dragstrip. Had a whole box of trophy's I threw away years ago, that I wish I would have kept :(. In 1982 I bought a brand new Honda V45 Magna, and took the Kaw off the road. After that, I had the dealer I bought it from, take the original crank apart. He found the factory had neglected to put in the locating pin. He dialed it back in and pinned it. Had the cylinders freshened up at the same time. About 8 years ago, I had some of the chrome redone that had been dulled by improper cleaning practices. The pic I posted is how it looks now. It's currently drained of fuel and oiled for storage. I plan the plate it in 2019 and ride it for it's 50th birthday !
That's really cool mate . It was destined to be yours ! Lovely bike . :)
It's kind of a long winded story, but here goes. In about 1972, I got a Kawasaki 175 dirt bike. Eventually went to the dealer for parts and saw this 69' H1 sitting in the back. I Was only 14 at the time. As time passed and I got my license. I inquired about Kaw and was told by the dealer (who was by now kind of a family friend) that he was going to fix it. In the meantime I bought a 1970 model and forgot about the 69'. In 1975 the dealership moved to a new building. I was looking for snowmobile parts and was taken upstairs by the owners brother and co-owner. There was the 69' again ! I asked the brother about it and he agreed to sell it to me. We went downstairs to get the title and his brother asked what he was looking for. He told them the title for the 69' Kaw. Again his brother said it wasn't for sale, he was going to fix it. The following year, I'm at the dealership again. It's just me and the owner. I said "come on George, your never going to fix that thing". He agreed to sell it to me if I also bought another 69' rag with a blown transmission that had been made into a chopper. I bought them both for $300.00. The good one had 7,000 miles on it. It ran, it was just down on power. After much f_cking around I determined the crank had slipped, and the center and right cylinders were running almost together. I took the crank out of the chopper and put it in the good one. Rode the bike until 1981. Mostly to the local dragstrip. Had a whole box of trophy's I threw away years ago, that I wish I would have kept :(. In 1982 I bought a brand new Honda V45 Magna, and took the Kaw off the road. After that, I had the dealer I bought it from, take the original crank apart. He found the factory had neglected to put in the locating pin. He dialed it back in and pinned it. Had the cylinders freshened up at the same time. About 8 years ago, I had some of the chrome redone that had been dulled by improper cleaning practices. The pic I posted is how it looks now. It's currently drained of fuel and oiled for storage. I plan the plate it in 2019 and ride it for it's 50th birthday !

And you didn't even die and you still have a wife! :thumbsup::thumbsup:.
Called the 'Widow Maker' here in Oz for awesome power and atrocious handling.

Never rode one, closest I came was my IT465 Yammie I was going to turn into a cafe racer but never did. It melted it's piston one day after pulling 160 Kmh plus seeing off a mate on a Laverda Corsa Black triple on the twisties at Darwin River Dam in Darwin's 34+ C degree heat and humidity. It was still on off-road knobbies and with the front brake drum the size of an small ashtray. I was fearless then, and it was the first and only bike I ever rebuilt. Just like a lawn mower, new piston after my bike shop put the barrel in an mild acid bath overnight didn't even need a hone! Traded it with my FJ 1100 on a 2nd hand FZ750.
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