Ah yes but the best ones are STILL in their boxes. 'fess up!. Mate - it's 30mins work - TOPS.
If you were closer - I'd have ridden over months ago.
Use the old ones as Aux lights on the car - :D

That testing I have to do is holding up the whole turd.
I have other things to do inside the headlights as well.
O-Tuit, O-Tuit, O-Tuit, O-Tuit, O-Tuit . . . . .
That testing I have to do is holding up the whole turd.
I have other things to do inside the headlights as well.
O-Tuit, O-Tuit, O-Tuit, O-Tuit, O-Tuit . . . . .
Actually almost SPOT ON what the Spanish MoT expects with HANDED lights. Handed being designed for left HAND or right HAND traffic.

But the lateral deflection is a serious error for CENTRE DIP lights. Esp if they're adaptive as well. Just saying O mighty 'bul.
Will be interested to see how often you find you stick to adaptive dip rather than non-adaptive main. I seldom get a change to use main beam often.

The only part I understand is your last sentence ... its tautological ... :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::roll:
LADIES, GENTLEMEN - and motorcyclists. A word of caution.

Spain is HOT and SUNNY. Generally. Most Polycarbonate lenses (be they on cars, bikes or commercial vehicles) here WILL deteriorate if the vehicle is left exposed to the rigors of the natural world 24*7. Does not matter what make or model. It's actually usually the UV & anti-scratch coating that degrades to a flaky yellowy mess. For a whole series of reasons - many vehicles here live outside 24*7.

The very first 5&3/4" J/W Speakers (early Daymakers) have Glass lenses - They were really designed for heavy duty off road construction vehicles. Since then pretty much everything I have seen has polycarbonate lenses. Lighter and less prone to stone chipping. But be aware that if your pride and joy sleeps outside in hot sunny places with no shade - polycarbonate is living on borrowed time. I did see a company in the US making LED lights for Harleys - who especially stated GLASS LENSES - but cannot find them now (I have no Googlefoo - DuckDuckgofoo is different).

All my LED headlights have Polycarbonate lenses - but the bikes sleep indoors. You can refinish the lenses with care if they go but it's work. But it is strongly suggested you clean the lenses with CARE - lots of water-no scrubbing and also apply a good wax polish after.

Just a thought.
USE LEMON PLEDGE it preserves them and keeps them shiny and clean without water
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