Keep'n it stock?

Dawg, much like Canada, my riding time is limited to 6 or 7 months as well. I kept mine stock for the first five years, but admittedly wasn't putting as many miles on her as I should have. Now, like any good mistress, you can't neglect her 5 months out of the year! So, much like when you pull into any parking lot and people "have to" come take a look, you'll find yourself wandering into the garage during the winter, just to stare at her. Then you'll find things on this forum which will help you realize you can intensify her look and meld it more to your preference, open her up and let her breath better, and allow you to push her just a little harder like any good thoroughbred needs From there, as they say, it's all over, and you'll find more and more things to do with her when you're not riding just so you can spend more time with her
I'm ashamed to show my face here because, as TC so kindly points out, I still have the stock header. And yes, I feel inadequate.

I actually just started with the exhaust (TORS, no cat) because I wanted to improve the sound and hoped I might get slightly better performance too. No real reason for wanting more go. Just because I could.

The sound was much better but I wasn't overly impressed with the increase in power. I read that helping it breath would give me more from the investment in the pipes. So I added triple K&N filters. Only problem with that is that I then had to find a way to increase the fueling because it was now running lean. I went with a Dobeck and I like it a lot. I also did some reading about the simple little gadget called a GIPro, which would give me a gear indicator, and as a bonus remove the restrictions in the first three gears because it includes an ATRE (Automatic Timing Retard Eliminator). This cost about $150 and is easily the biggest bang for your buck on a pre 2010 bike. Another thing bugging me was the jerkiness of the throttle. I read about a simple and free mod - removing secondary butterflies - which would help with that. And it did.

So that's about it. I haven't been looking for huge gains but like the feeling of doing something simple that makes it go better. I haven't wanted to go down the route of TuneBoy or TuneECU or have the expense (and risk of damage) of having the bike dyno'd. I had the TORS tune loaded when the pipes were fitted and haven't had to have it changed. I love the way my bike runs; it is smooth, starts easily, idles evenly and goes just a bit faster than I really want/need it to.

But I would like to do the exhaust, perhaps a 3 into one like Reband or mug Gothlander for his Perfect Storms.
Well I must be bloody boring because I love my stock bike just the way I bought it . When it needs a rebuild I then will at the performance mods
Richard .. riding behind your bike at Easter I seriously thought about getting rid of my power robbing three into one and getting TORS. Your bike looks and sounds great .. great colour in a sea of blackness
I'm ashamed to show my face here because, I feel inadequate.
I wanted to improve

So you should be....LMAO....

sorry mate, i couldnt resist the urge to doctor your words. I love your bike, even if it is so stock .... ;-)
After going down the road of doing mods to my Roadster and learning a great deal I would have left my bike 98% stock. I might would change the exhaust system with appropriate tune but that would be it! Just buy the **** bike and ride it!
I like my std bike until i got some spare money for mods Then who knows but not after 240 + hp just a little more noise and some bits and peaces
Well I must be bloody boring because I love my stock bike just the way I bought it . When it needs a rebuild I then will at the performance mods

Anything but boring you still have the largest production bike in the world. I don't even have mine yet and I'm impressed with what I get to start with. I have to agree with Cardinal93, winter has this affect...too much time to think and that leads to....what if I do this
I know this feeling all too well. I guess one thing leads to another, try to give her a sound that pleases your ears, leads to better air.....I love visiting my garage in the winter, my wife...not so much.
I do appreciate everyone's honest input and what I've figured out from it at this point is that the Rocket is a extremely individual machine that with a tweak here and there, will ensure its owner maintains a permanent grin.
I've got 95k miles on my 05 and it is bone stock except for the Gipro. All you really need to do is get rid of the f##king secondaries, either with the gipro or tuneECU, everything else is just icing on the cake, short of the Carpenter treatment. I am not a big fan of loud pipes for long distance rides so I have kept the stockers and the catbox.

8 years now with the Rocket and its still a thrill, and it still scares me from time to time.
When we are able to ride our rockets where ever we please I have a question , if these bikes with all the modification have a problem say for example a 1000km's from home and you need some assistance from the local triumph dealership are they going to be knowledgable enough to work on the bike